Hello, For one of my website, the folder: /var/log/ispconfig/httpd/mydomain is empty, there are no log file. how can we recreate the access.log file ?
The access log file gets created when the website is accessed and the error.log file gets created when the first error occurs for that site.
I delete the access log file there a week but it is not recreated. The site is used every day. May be a script problem ?
Check your /etc/fstab file for lines like these for each website: /var/log/ispconfig/httpd/blog.chuck.com /var/www/clients/client12/web30/log none bind,nobootwait,_netdev 0 0 If you don't see them then try: mount -a at the command line as root and it should recreate these for you.
I checked the etc/fstab file but, the lines is already present I do not understand why it does not work.
Did you accessthe website afterwards? The log gets created when the directory is mounted and when the first page access happens after you mounted it.