login worked one time?

Discussion in 'General' started by rustyteck, Apr 9, 2006.

  1. rustyteck

    rustyteck New Member

    Hello all

    i downloaded and installed ispconfig today. it blew up for lack of mysql-devel (suse 10.0) i got that cleared up and re ran the setup all went well... i logged on and took a look not in much detail as i didnt have time i make a site a user.... and then quit.
    my next project was to install and look over mambo i did kind of:( its here my problem starts!!! php would no longer work. i turned globals on in php.ini and restarted apache still no go. i had to goto apache/conf.d and addtype application/x-..... that was commented out by the ispconfig install. great so now my phpadmin and mambo install will work but i get a white screen when i attempt to log into ispconfig. i turned globals back to OFF in php.ini... same results... what did i break n where do i go to fix it??:)

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Thats correct. PHP must be commented out! Undo the changes you made manually in the apache config when you want to use ISPConfig.

    Then check if ISPConfig works again and create a new website in ISPConfig. Then copy your mambo installation to the website directory created by ISPConfig.
  3. rustyteck

    rustyteck New Member

    orig config

    k i switched back and no luck its a white screen cannot login :(
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please double check this:

    1) Did you login with port 81 and hht or https as you selected in the installer.
    2) Please try to use firefox for login, it has better error messaged the IE.
    3) Try to restart ISPConfig: /etc/init.d/ispconfig_server restart
    4) If you are in a NAT enviroment, have you forwarded port 81 from your server to your router?
    5) Did you activate any kind of firewall beside the ISPConfig firewall?
  5. rustyteck

    rustyteck New Member

    oh oh.. :)

    k seems that restarting it worked.... i rebooted th eserver twice and that didnt do it so its not being started at boot? hmmm odd.... but that now will bring me to part 2.. how do i now us emy other php files? do i have to configure myself/serverroot as a client and allow me to have php access?

    thanks a million btw i would have given up long before trying something as simple as a restart :)
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Normally it is started at boot time. Does the restart proess asked for a password?

    Yes. Create a new client like "my websites" and then create a new website with your domain where you enable php by checking the php checkbox in the website settings.

    ISPConfig creates a new website directory like /home/www/www.yourdomain.com/web/ or /var/www/www.yourdomain.com/web/ where you can put your php and html files.
  7. rustyteck

    rustyteck New Member

    existing website

    can i move my existing website to it after or is it a large task? also im assuming that would fix my current php problems with say phpmyadmin and mambo?
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Yes. Just copy the files and adjust some path's and chown the files to the website owner.
  9. rustyteck

    rustyteck New Member

    there are no resellers clients or sites. but when i try to make a client as you suggested i get to config th ephp as you said when in finished there and goto the next tab, email i believe it tells me that th esite is owned by someone else and stops....
  10. rustyteck

    rustyteck New Member

    when i click on the sites or clients icond there are non listed but a search brings up some i have tested and deleted? but they are not really deleted?
  11. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I guess you tested your system already with this domain or a similar domain with other host? Have you emptied the recycle bin's after you deleted the domain and the client?
  12. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I'am talking about the recycle bin. Thats a separate icon in the right tree menu. Every reseller has its own recycle bin!
  13. rustyteck

    rustyteck New Member

    ohhhh if you was closer id ask ya to shoot me:) i empted it and made the site and copied my files over seems to have worked now just have to wait and see what breaks:) if anything:)

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