Loop detected! We were referred back to '94.20 **'

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by DeSouffle, Dec 28, 2015.

  1. DeSouffle

    DeSouffle New Member

    Hello , I have a big problem. I have configured my dns zone file which is ending with ".err" extension
    And i configured it and i go to mxtoolbox that gives Loop detected! We were referred back to '94.20 **' error.

    This is my zone file:
    $TTL        3600
    @       IN      SOA     ns1.saytusta.com. info.saytusta.com. (
                            2015122918       ; serial, todays date + todays serial #
                            7200              ; refresh, seconds
                            540              ; retry, seconds
                            604800              ; expire, seconds
                            86400 )            ; minimum, seconds
    mail 86400 A        94.20.**.**
    ns1.saytusta.com. 3600 A        94.20.**.**
    ns2.saytusta.com. 3600 A        94.20.**.**
    saytusta.com. 3600 A        94.20.**.**
    www 3600 A        94.20.**.**
    saytusta.com. 3600      MX    10   mail.saytusta.com.
    saytusta.com. 3600      NS        ns1.saytusta.com.
    saytusta.com. 3600      NS        ns2.saytusta.com.

    [root@server named]# named-checkzone saytusta.com pri.ns1.saytusta.com.err
    zone saytusta.com/IN: loaded serial 2015122918
    [root@server named]# nano /etc/resolv.conf
    domain saytusta.com
    search saytusta.com
    [ # root ]  nano /etc/hosts   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4  ns1.saytusta.com    ns1
    ::1         localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6
    Please help mee please. It is urgent :(
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2015
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The file looks fine so far, try to edit a value, e.g. raise the ttl by 1 and save, then check after 2 minutes if the file has no .err extension anymore. If the .err extension is still there then there might be a global config error in bind and not in that file, check the syslog for bind / named error messages.
  3. CreeWarrior

    CreeWarrior Member

    I actuall had the same thing happen with mxtoolbox, however it had nothing to do with my dns records. I accidentally deleted my port forwarding records on my router to point to my dns server and inncorectly recreated it with the tcp protocol instead of udp. Switched it to udp and problem solved

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