Lost sftp only ftp works on server now

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by Appie Thrasher, Oct 1, 2015.

  1. Appie Thrasher

    Appie Thrasher Member HowtoForge Supporter

    So anyone can help me with this one?
    I lost my sftp access to the server for users, I can log in with ftp, than all is working fine.
    If I log in with root (sftp) its working.
    Can't seem to find any other problems on the server, as far as I know...
    Think this started after an update on the server with apt-get update / upgrade a while ago. That one was halted (got stuck) for some reason, but after a restart al was/is working fine as far as I can see...
    Did already a new apt-get update / upgrade without any errors but that didn't solve it..


  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Is this a ISPConfig server? SFTP is an ssh protocol and handled by sshd while FTP and its secure version FTPS is handled by pure-ftpd. An ISPConfig FTP user can only login by FTP and FTPS (the protocols handled by pure-ftpd) but not SFTP, an ISPCOnfig SSH user can login by SFTP (if the user is not jailed) and by SSH. So on a ISPCOnfig server, the same user can not have FTP and SFTP access, either you have 2 users (one FTP user and one SSH user) or you use FTPS instead of SFTP for file transfers.

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