Mac4Lin ver.0.2 - Mac OS X Leopard Transformation pack

Discussion in 'Desktop Operation' started by infra_red_dude, Sep 22, 2007.

  1. infra_red_dude

    infra_red_dude New Member

    Mac4Lin version 0.3 Released!

    24th October 2007

    Mac4Lin is back! A new version, more changes, better looks and an overall more polished product. Please read changelog for information of changes in this version. It gives me immense pleasure to inform all that downloads have crossed 110 GB till date!

    Mac4Lin now comes with a unified documentation in PDF format. Please go through this for illustrated installation instructions. Also some entities like GTK theme/Pidgin etc. now include two versions. Hence individual README files are only included if there is any need to convey release specific important information to the user which the generic documentation does not include. Read the README file for more details, in such cases.

    With the release of GNOME 2.20, there have been issues reported with the Icon theme. Work is going on to make the theme compatible with GNOME 2.20 (found in OpenSUSE 10.3/Ubuntu 7.10 - Gusty etc.). There will be a separate release of Icon theme for GNOME 2.20. Users of this version can replace the original ver.0.3 Icon theme with the new one, which will be released soon after this release. GNOME version can be checked by clicking System Menu > About GNOME. Other components of this package are reported to work with GNOME 2.20. The installation of GTK Metacity theme and Cursors is almost same execpt that the Theme Manager in GNOME 2.20 has a new look.

    Thanks to Victor Hugo Casals for the Safari skin, M.Lettner for the panel backgrounds, Calande for the font guide, Mitko for nm-applet icons, Vish for Grub and Buu700 for Usplash screens. I also thank all those who tested the pack and everyone who are directly or indirectly involved in this project.

    Apply it, flaunt it, enjoy it! :)

    Anirudh (a.k.a ANi, infra_red_dude)

    For any suggestions/comments/complaints/feedback/bug tracking please drop a mail to: [email protected]

    Project Website and Download:





    PS: Keep checking this place. An Icon theme for GNOME 2.20 will soon be released.
  2. infra_red_dude

    infra_red_dude New Member

    A new Icon theme for GNOME 2.20 and Mac4Lin Documentation Rev. 1.1 (PDF) which covers installation instructions for GNOME 2.20 have now been released!

    Check them out at:

    Plz report any bugs.

    Today has been the day of highest downloads: 110GB and still counting..... Total downloads haf been over 580GB till this day! Over 46000 downloads haf been recorded!! I never imagined this project would scale such heights. I thank everyone for their support. Plz keep the suggestions/complaints/bugs/feedback flowing. It'll help in the betterment of this project :)
  3. zamolxis

    zamolxis New Member


    I read through your instructions, and it seems to me they address mostly install under Ubuntu. I am interested in trying it under OpenSUSE, on my Toshiba laptop. However, this is a tablet without a CD/DVD drive, and installing Linux wasn't easy. This gives me very little room to experiment, and this is why I'd like to ask you a few questions before trying.

    What I'd like to be able to do is have an entry in GRUB that would boot into OpenSUSE using the Mac splash. Ideally, that entry would be password protected and would boot automatically into a "mac" account containing all these customizations. The existing OpenSUSE entry in grub would boot linux as it does right now. OpenSUSE interface is sufficiently polished that I would rather keep it in parallel with Mac.

    The problem is, I tried before to do something similar with Grub but did not get very far. Has anybody tried this yet?
  4. infra_red_dude

    infra_red_dude New Member

    Yes, as long as the distro uses GTK (GNOME or XFCE) this pack will work any distro.

    Regarding your other query, you can simply create another login with the mac like customisation. No need to fiddle with GRUB.
  5. carelesswinds

    carelesswinds New Member

    I finally got the look i wanted


    but am stumped at 2 different things.

    1st Usplash theme doesn't stick..after setting it to any goes back to
    default usplash-theme-ubuntu. On running it from console i got the following error message

    2nd problem is after login window and before splash screen. I get the default brown color of ubuntu theme, i again tried changing it through Login Window applet but same problem, it doesnt stick.

    anyone facing similar problems??? I'm using Ubuntu Gutsy
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What's the output of
  7. carelesswinds

    carelesswinds New Member

    it already exists, this is the output of locate cmd

    I have already placed .so files in /usr/lib/usplash as the documentation.
  8. infra_red_dude

    infra_red_dude New Member

    1) All the usplash screens work fine for me. No probs whatsoever. No wonder I bundled them with the pack. Actually initially I faced a problem with NO usplash screen, not even the default one. Then gotta kno that its a bug in Gutsy, resolution is not correctly identified. Edited the file and then everything seems fine. Check this out. Try changing resolution in Startup manager.

    2) Yes, for some strange reason even I'm facing the problem. I've set the background color to grey but the default ubuntu brown shows up. I haf no idea why.
  9. infra_red_dude

    infra_red_dude New Member

    Mac4Lin reaches a new milestone!


    Mac4Lin Downloads: 1 TeraByte (TB) and counting......

    I wanna thank everyone for their support :)
  10. surf121

    surf121 New Member

    Can't change usplash theme

    I also have the same problem in which I can't change the usplash theme using startup-manager. The new usplash theme won't stick and it keeps going back to the default usplash-theme-ubuntu.
    Very annoying!

    I also haven't been able to change the ugly brown color of the ubuntu theme after the login window and befor the splash.

    I'm running version 7.10 Gutsy.

    Someone please help!!
    I'm a noobie!
  11. infra_red_dude

    infra_red_dude New Member

    As far as the startup manager is concerned, even I've faced this problem
    when I was on Ubuntu 7.04 - Feisty. However after upgrading to Gutsy
    this problem was solved. I guess its a problem with startup manager. So
    you may wanna check out its project site and contact the author
    regarding the problem.

    For your other query about the brown screen, just follow this

    1) Edit the GDM settings. Type this in a terminal:

    sudo gedit /etc/gdm/PreSession/Default

    2) Now find this line:

    # Default value
    if [ "x$BACKCOLOR" = "x" ]; then

    3) Change it toL

    # Default value
    if [ "x$BACKCOLOR" = "x" ]; then

    4) Voila! The brown screen now becomes a black screen!

    Hope it helps.
  12. brothermalcolm

    brothermalcolm New Member

    I tried this and it completely solved the problem for me :)
    Evidently, alowing BACKCOLOR="X" means it returns the login background picture or background color that you have specified in the 'Administration | Login Window ' settings while it logs you in. Therefore byebye to the ugly brown color set by default in the script.
    So if you set the login window background picture identical to your desktop background picture then you can get a completely smooth transition from the login window to your loaded desktop.

    Thanks to infra_red_dude for such an ownage theme pack!
  13. infra_red_dude

    infra_red_dude New Member

  14. infra_red_dude

    infra_red_dude New Member

    Hey guys, Mac4Lin ver.0.4 is almost ready for release. Just a few little things to work on (some small inconsistencies, as it can be seen in screenshots below).

    I'm releasing Version 0.4 preview here:





    Comments and suggestions are welcome.

    This time I'm releasing an additional GTK theme with MacMenu support. Guys, I need some testing to be done. I'm posting two components (Beta) of the next version of Mac4Lin (v0.4). These are not final releases. I'm releasing them here for the sole purpose of testing.

    1) Mac4Lin v0.4 GTK MacMenu Beta theme:

    This theme is for those who haf the GTK MacMenu hack installed and use it in conjunction with MacMenu Applet.

    2) Mac4Lin v0.4 GTK Icon Beta theme

    I have made a unified icon theme this time. It works in GNOME 2.20 (thoroughly test on my laptop with Gutsy) and GNOME 2.18 (at least supposed to!).

    What I need you guys to do is test this icon theme on GNOME 2.18. Since I use Gutsy I can't test it on my system. Kindly report back the results of testing both of these components, so that I can work on any inconsistencies and release v0.4 as soon as possible.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2007
  15. infra_red_dude

    infra_red_dude New Member

    Mac4Lin version 0.4

    18th December 2007

    Your favorite Mac4Lin is back! A new version, more changes, better looks and an overall more polished product. Please read changelog for information of changes in this version. It gives me immense pleasure to inform all that downloads have crossed 2.6 TB till date!

    Please go through the Documentation for illustrated installation instructions. Also some entities like GTK Metacity theme etc. now include two versions. Hence individual README files are included only if there is a need to convey release specific information which the generic documentation does not include. Please read the README file for more details in such cases.

    Apply it, flaunt it, enjoy it!


    Mac4Lin has been approved to be a contender for FOSS awards. If you like this project then please post your comments and vote for it. Follow the link given below. It'll help Mac4Lin.

    (Jus follow the link which reads: Click here to discuss or voice your opinion)







    For any suggestions/comments/complaints/feedback/bug tracking please drop me a mail.

    E-Mail: [email protected]
    Project Website and Download:

    Anirudh (a.k.a infra_red_dude)
  16. standk

    standk New Member

    I'm having an issue with following the included or posted documentation. I've downloaded all three parts and extract them to the same folder. When I click "Install" in Appearance Preferences and select Mac4Lin_GTK_v0.4.tar.gz I receive the message "GNOME Theme Mac4Lin_GTK_v0.4 correctly installed, but it never comes up as an option to apply the settings of. I am using GNOME 2.20.1 and Ubuntu 7.10

  17. infra_red_dude

    infra_red_dude New Member

    I can confirm that there are no such bugs in Mac4Lin ver.0.4. So I fear thats a problem with your settings, probably. If that doesn't work, then just extract the Mac4Lin GTK theme tar file to ~/.themes and/or to /usr/share/themes; restart and then check if Mac4Lin appears after clicking the "CUSTOMIZE" button in the Appearances Window.
  18. vaidab

    vaidab New Member

    a problem on ver.0.4

    After following the instructions everything works except that I don't have an apple icon at the top left corner of the screen, it's still the ubuntu logo
  19. infra_red_dude

    infra_red_dude New Member

    Yes, thats correct. The apple icon has been removed to avoid any legal issues. Since I work on ubuntu I put that icon in there. You can change it to whatever you want by replacing those icons in ~/.icons/<mac4lin icon theme>/scalable/places
  20. openpat

    openpat New Member

    And what about XFCE ?


    I try to customize my Sam Linux Desktop and here's my status :

    Icon OK
    Cursors OK
    Dock used the Wbar that s delivered with Sam (Good alternative I'd like to identify for use in other dist. !) OK

    But how can I install the themes in XFCE (without beryl...) ???

    By the way, I ve installed the Mac4lin pack on my laptop with UBUNTU Gutsy and it's just... Fantastic :)

    Congratulations !!!

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