Magento 2 APS installer

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by Pascal Dreissen, Oct 4, 2016.

  1. Pascal Dreissen

    Pascal Dreissen New Member

    Not sure if this is a failure in ISPConfig or APSstandard.

    I'm trying to install Magento 2 via APS installer (ISPConfig 3.1) but it fails with the following error message:

    04.10.2016-21:55 - WARNING - PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'RuntimeException' with message 'The "--admin-firstname" option requires a value.' in /var/www/clients/client158/web828/web/vendor/symfony/console/Symfony/Component/Console/Input/ArgvInput.php:242
    Stack trace:
    #0 /var/www/clients/client158/web828/web/vendor/symfony/console/Symfony/Component/Console/Input/ArgvInput.php(152): Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput->addLongOption('admin-firstname', false)
    #1 /var/www/clients/client158/web828/web/vendor/symfony/console/Symfony/Component/Console/Input/ArgvInput.php(86): Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput->parseLongOption('--admin-firstna...')
    #2 /var/www/clients/client158/web828/web/vendor/symfony/console/Symfony/Component/Console/Input/Input.php(61): Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput->parse()
    #3 /var/www/clients/client158/web828/web/vendor/symfony/console/Symfony/Component/Console/Command/Command.php(229): Symfony\Component\Console\Input\Input->bind(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputDefinition))
    #4 /var/www/clients/c in /var/www/clients/client158/web828/web/vendor/symfony/console/Symfony/Component/Console/Input/ArgvInput.php on line 242
    04.10.2016-21:55 - DEBUG - Processed datalog_id 40121
    04.10.2016-21:55 - DEBUG - Remove Lock: /usr/local/ispconfig/server/temp/.ispconfig_lock

    Is this something in ISPConfig or APS ?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    That's not easy to say. Maybe there are more fields in the APS 1.2 standard like an admin firstname and that one is not set during installation by ispconfig or its a problem in the package itself.
  3. Pascal Dreissen

    Pascal Dreissen New Member

    Is there an easy way to debug ? In debug (ISPConfig) there is not a lot to see in ispconfig.log
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I fear there is no easy way. The developer of the aps installer did not add many log lines. We added already some but its probably not enough.

    The best way might be to remove from cron, enable debug log level, install a package and then check the output when running You might have to add some add additional debug messages in the aps code though. another way might be to download the magento package from and unpack it (ts a zip file) and try to find out which fields it expects to get. If i remember correctly, aps works in that way that the fields that the package requires are set as shell variables and then the installer script inside the package is run which reads the info from these shell variables.
  5. DylanPedro

    DylanPedro Member

    I've tried installing magento2 using the installer but cannot tell why it keeps failing. Is there a way to check why?
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The APS installer has no log.

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