Hello all, I have a few different sites running on ispconfig, the issues I am running into is all of the users can login to their webmail, however they cannot recieve. Their email gets recieved by another user on the server, the same user infact for all domains. Exhample: send to [email protected] gets recieved by [email protected] but both are set up as different clients. I have tested this by sending email from hotmail/gmail etc to ensure this was not a local issue. Any ideas? -Sin
In reply to your first question, I set up a domain of 123.com which is the same as the server identifies itself as. Should I not have done that?
I read that link that you have sent, however I dont seem to understand what it is instructing me to do.
This is the output of /etc/postfix.cf Code: sin@mikethetv:~$ vi /etc/postfix/main.cf # appending .domain is the MUA's job. append_dot_mydomain = no # Uncomment the next line to generate "delayed mail" warnings #delay_warning_time = 4h myhostname = localhost.localdomain alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases myorigin = /etc/mailname #mydestination = xxxxxxx.ca, localhost.localdomain, localhost.localdomain, localhost relayhost = mynetworks = mailbox_command = procmail -a "$EXTENSION" mailbox_size_limit = 0 recipient_delimiter = + inet_interfaces = all virtual_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtusertable mydestination = /etc/postfix/local-host-names If I am following correctly I am to remove my domain name (xxxxxx.ca) from that list. Also are there any setting I should customise in this list? -Sin
Hostname Code: mikethetv Hostname -f Code: localhost.localdomain Oh and I removed xxxxxx.ca from the previous post and no change so should I place it back in there? -Sin
That makes no difference because the mydestination line is commented out, i.e., it does not get interpreted by Postfix. What's in /etc/postfix/virtusertable?
I get the feeling I am 12 hrs behind you.... Here is the output of virtusertables.... Code: sin@mikethetv:/etc/postfix$ vi virtusertable [email protected] web6_jord @www.xxxxxxxxx1.com web6_jord [email protected] web6_jord [email protected] web6_jord @xxxxxxxxx1.com web6_jord [email protected] web1_mail [email protected] web1_mail [email protected] web1_mail [email protected] web1_mail [email protected] web6_test [email protected] web6_test [email protected] web6_test [email protected] web6_test [email protected] web10_brad [email protected] web10_brad [email protected] web10_brad [email protected] web10_brad [email protected] web6_rad [email protected] web6_rad [email protected] web6_rad [email protected] web6_rad #### MAKE MANUAL ENTRIES BELOW THIS LINE! #### -- INSERT -- 63,1 Bot Each domain name is represented by a number... ie xxxxxxxxx2 or xxxxxxxxx3 I have kept them private in order to retain some privacy... if they are nessisary please PM me and I will provide the entire file... Thanks for your help.... on a side note I do not see the name of the person recieving all of the emails on this list...
I dont believe he is... how can I quickly verify this? Come to think of it I am almost sure he is not. He was created using ISPconfig.
This is the output of that: Code: sin@mikethetv:~$ grep Lee /etc/passwd sin:x:1000:1000:Lee Xxxxxx,,,:/home/sin:/bin/bash web6_test:x:10013:10006:Lee:/home/www/web6/user/web6_test:/bin/false web1_lee:x:10001:10001:Lee:/home/www/web1:/bin/false I still dont believe that mail is working correctly... I have deleted the [email protected] user email and now it appears to work. I am confused, if the mail is working now this is obviously the problem, however can someone please give me a simple explanation as to why this works this way. Thanks for all of your help!
So it turns out.... Lee was a sys user and a ctach all account... I cangedd his status to not be a catch all and everyone is getting their email again! Sorry it took so long to reply I have been away. As always you guys are doing a great job... Thanks again!
wrong user Hi all, i have the same Problem: i have installed the perfect ubuntu 7.04, ispconfig and RoundCube with Adress webmail.xxxxxxxx.ch. Mailserver with Name mailbx.xxxxxxxx.de. This wars befor my backup mailserver, now only for ispconfig. I recieve messages for User [email protected] by sending over the second mailserver on [email protected]. Never i configure an emailadress [email protected] on ispconfig! No catchall on any adress only i have an website for login from all users on webmail.xxxxxxxx.ch with an [email protected]. here the virtusertable: Code: [email protected] postmaster [email protected] postmaster [email protected] info [email protected] info Sorry for bad english! Can everyone help me. Thanks so lot EDIT: Now i have created an [email protected] on [email protected] and problem is resolved!
I guess this happened because you have a system user info on your system, and the MX record for xxxxxxxx.ch is pointing to your ISPConfig server.