If I delete and recreate users with the same usernames will their emails be lost? Might this action solve the problem. Don't want to panic though....
You posted that the emails of the users are in /var/spool/mail/ and on the other hand you use maildir ?? I guess you might run in the problem described in this thread: http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15235 Please try the solution i posted there. This wont help you to get the mails out of /var/spool/mail/ because they have been stored there trough an error in the quota script, but it might prevent this to happen again.
Thank you for quick raction till, I am useing Maildir but as far as I understand the system all emails arrive in the /var/spool/userxx and then are fetched by the Courier. I might be wrong but that is what I thought how it works. I had Maildir checkbox ticked all the time. So for me (my username) is the file in /var/spool/mail/myusername is 0Kb but all other users' files are just growing and growing... 1. Is there any possibilitie to get them out of there or are they gone to nirvana? 2. Shall i tweak something with quota script? Thx a lot in advance
What exactly do I need to edit in the .procmailrc of every existing user? I created a new user just for test but the .procmailrc look identical with the .procmailrc of the existing users!
This is the .procmailrc of the existing user Code: MAILDIR=$HOME/Maildir/ DEFAULT=$MAILDIR # INCLUDERC=/home/www/web6/user/bruce/.mailsize.rc INCLUDERC=/home/www/web6/user/bruce/.quota.rc ## INCLUDERC=/home/www/web6/user/bruce/.antivirus.rc ## INCLUDERC=/home/www/web6/user/bruce/.local-rules.rc ## INCLUDERC=/home/www/web6/user/bruce/.html-trap.rc ## INCLUDERC=/home/www/web6/user/bruce/.spamassassin.rc ## INCLUDERC=/home/www/web6/user/bruce/.autoresponder.rc and this is my /root/ispconfig/isp/conf/procmailrc.master Code: {MAILDIR_COMMENT}MAILDIR=$HOME/Maildir/ {MAILDIR_COMMENT}DEFAULT=$MAILDIR # {QUOTA} INCLUDERC={PMDIR}/.mailsize.rc INCLUDERC={PMDIR}/.quota.rc {ANTIVIRUS_COMMENT}INCLUDERC={PMDIR}/.antivirus.rc {MAILSCAN_COMMENT}INCLUDERC={PMDIR}/.local-rules.rc {MAILSCAN_COMMENT}INCLUDERC={PMDIR}/.html-trap.rc {SPAMASSASSIN_COMMENT}INCLUDERC={PMDIR}/.spamassassin.rc {AUTORESPONDER_COMMENT}INCLUDERC={PMDIR}/.autoresponder.rc
Restarted the server and recreated users after that without problems. AND emails are comming!!! Thx till. I think it was your suggestion which helped!!! Guys you rock...
After emails started reaching the users something new appeared: If I try send something with Thunderbird it sais Code: The current command did not succeed. The mailserver responded: [TRYCREATE] Must create mailbox before append. and if I klick OK it sais Code: There was an error copying message to Sent folder. I can't see the sent folder in Thunderbird... this was not the case before. Is there some obvious medicine for this?
No, emails are delivered directly to Maildir. Have a look at the tool mb2md: http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=835
thx falko, I did sort out the emails which came to /var/spool/mail but there remains still one big problem. There is no Sent folder in the user accounts. The messag in my previous post still appears when somebody tries to send something. Any suggestions what could be the reason for this? Thanks in advance
No idea what happend but today mornin I sent an email and the long desired Sent folder was created. I didn't change any configuration since I left yesterday... weird but I am happy that it works Anybody can give me a hint how to make an email redirect?
The sent folder must have been created by your email client (outlook / outlook express) with imap. Open the email user settings of this user in ISPCOnfig and enter the address where the emails shall be redirected too in the "Forward" field on the advanced settings tab.
Great Thanks till, that worked fine with redirects. Some users used to put .forward files in their home directories on the old server. What happen if they do it on the new machine with ISPConfig? Will it cause problems? Shall I forbid it to them? And one more question During the perfect setup for SUSE 9.3 I created the certificate which was required. Now when anybody wants to send an email a window pops up which sais that this certificate is not in the users' name and so on... Can I disable it? It is now possible to send emails from my smtp without loging Isn't it dangerous!?!?!
There is already a .forward file in the users home directory, that forwards all email to procmail. If the users replace it with their own file, the mail delivery might fail. You can either send emails without SSL encryption or i think you will have to buy a an officially siigned certificate. If you can send emails to other domains hosted on your server, then its OK. If you can send emails to e.g. an gmail or yahoo account without smtp auth enabled, it is dangerous.
There are three scenarios in which you are allowed to send emails without authentication: 1) You're sending from the server itself (e.g. with a webmail program). 2) You're sending to a recipient who's on the server. 3) The client you're sending from is in the mynetworks variable in /etc/postfix/main.cf.
Just a Small question to the SSL encryption. Is this only the case with Thunderbird that every time I (or somebody else on the server) want to send an email it complains about me sending an email with wrong certificate? Thanks for your knowledge in advance
In this case you must either create another certificate (have a look at the steps described in the "Perfect Setup" for your distribution), or you don't use TLS when sending emails.
But if I create a new certificate it will just replace the old one and I will have the same story again, will I? Maybe I don't understand to 100% how it works but I thought this certificate shall exist only once... that's why I don't really get your suggestion falko... sorry Thanks again
Yes, your old certificate will be replaced. Howver, during the creation of the certificate you're asked a few questions, and if you answer correctly, then the warning should go away.