Mail in queue amavis wont start

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Majox, Jan 26, 2018.

  1. Majox

    Majox New Member

    Yes, the same
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Really strange, somehow amavis is not able to resolve the hostname correctly on your system. But there is an option for a hrd fix, edit the file


    add a# in front of the line:

    chomp($myhostname = `hostname --fqdn`);

    and then add a new line right below the chomp line:

    $myhostname = "";

    save the file and try to start amavis.
  3. Majox

    Majox New Member

    Ok, edited.

    And it looks like working well, thank you very much, can you please specify to me, where was the problem?

    And one more question, I look at System Log and do not know what is that:
        [INTERFACE]: PHP IDS Alert.Total impact: 45<br/> Affected tags: xss, csrf, id, rfe, lfi<br/> <br/> Variable: POST.dkim_private | Value: -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIICXgIBAAKBgQC68PFhK5utdt/6fulYhmbsNdb0QBFGjqsNr94LsnQfgcpvdqmF cZOFR88/cRK4C/G6VCGK7xCD7gCGGvBzuvAy4VIF8DXciqZHWqhdfkrshBb601y7 5hdfz3u82yNiRypGqjDRDS/+mfSlOA3NZwq2UgCiHc2er0BCHTKa+AIxNwIDAQAB AoGBAJ723jtj6rjB+ko3e1PkzkaUrdn7VPVrwjccUrQdprNYGf1YqWSpJOnUG372 NxW8SmzIt9E94wxc6aMf61JuJ2uYprtIfKo8GieOHET9bskiH+k3R4PFIVWx89yx J2QVDTB124Qv7Rw8C2z4IL5wRbPFEmYPItLJo2ZGDAk8wbCHLpZ27sTo3+vWWq3O r+b9oHla31HBmf8YTGXZAkEAyK9d683tPKJ1bbnStkfBEw8DxJ5JjJkFkXMOmUG5 1HkWefJ/8dpTaIEvW6XKxnKwqoqJlnZKy2Nx47vRWrck1A== -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- <br/> Impact: 21 | Tags: xss, csrf, id, rfe, lfi<br/> Description: Detects JavaScript with(), ternary operators and XML predicate attacks | Tags: xss, csrf | ID 7<br/> Description: Detects obfuscated JavaScript script injections | Tags: xss, csrf | ID 25<br/> Description: Detects common XSS concatenation patterns 2/2 | Tags: xss, csrf, id, rfe | ID 31<br/> Description: Detects unknown attack vectors based on PHPIDS Centrifuge detection | Tags: xss, csrf, id, rfe, lfi | ID 67<br/> <br/> Variable: POST.dkim_public | Value: -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQC68PFhK5utdt/6fulYhmbsNdb0 QBFGjqsNr94LsnQfgcpvdqmFcZOFR88/cRK4GGvBzuvAy4VIF 8DXciqZHWqhdfkrshBb601y75hdfz3u82yNiRypGqjDRDS/+mfSlOA3NZwq2UgCi Hc2er0BCHTKa+AIxNwIDAQAB -----END PUBLIC KEY----- <br/> Impact: 12 | Tags: xss, csrf, id, rfe, lfi<br/> Description: Detects obfuscated JavaScript script injections | Tags: xss, csrf | ID 25<br/> Description: Detects unknown attack vectors based on PHPIDS Centrifuge detection | Tags: xss, csrf, id, rfe, lfi | ID 67<br/> <br/> Variable: POST.dns_record | Value: 3600 TXT v=DKIM1; t=s; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQC68PFhK5utdt/6fulYhmbsNdb0QBFGjqsNr94LsnQfgcpvdqmFcZOFR88/cRK4C/G6VCGK7xCD7gCGGvBzuvAy4VIF8DXciqZHWqhdfkrshBb601y75hdfz3u82yNiRypGqjDRDS/+mfSlOA3NZwq2UgCiHc2er0BCHTKa+AIxNwIDAQAB<br/> Impact: 12 | Tags: xss, csrf, id, rfe, lfi<br/> Description: Detects obfuscated JavaScript script injections | Tags: xss, csrf | ID 25<br/> Description: Detects unknown attack vectors based on PHPIDS Centrifuge detection | Tags: xss, csrf, id, rfe, lfi | ID 67<br/> <br/>
    Thanks :)
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Somehow amavis is not able to resolve the hostname correctly on your system.
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This is the iSPConfig IDS system. These are just warnings as they are below the block level.
  6. Majox

    Majox New Member

    Thank you,
    oh ok, am I worry about them?
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  8. Majox

    Majox New Member

    Ok, thank you very much for a great support and for your time!

    Have a nice day!
  9. CSSinfotech

    CSSinfotech New Member

    Can some pls help us to solve below error we are seeing

    [INTERFACE]: PHP IDS Alert.Total impact: 14<br/> Affected tags: sqli, id, lfi, xss, csrf, rfe<br/> <br/> Variable: POST.password | Value: C!JG6%/?&lt;&gt;.,}[]|&quot;::XZ6(0)YAQ@<br/> Impact: 14 | Tags: sqli, id, lfi, xss, csrf, rfe<br/> Description: Detects basic SQL authentication bypass attempts 2/3 | Tags: sqli, id, lfi | ID 45<br/> Description: Detects unknown attack vectors based on PHPIDS Centrifuge detection | Tags: xss, csrf, id, rfe, lfi | ID 67<br/> <br/>
  10. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

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