Hi, Yesterday I'm imported about 1500 accounts from smartermail, and everything is ok, but one thing. On smartermail clients may use as login to webmail/imap/pop3/smtp both: user@domain or user@aliasdomain (or aliasuser@domain). Is any way to do this way in ispconfig? Here is a mail_user table, and if I manually change field login to user@aliasdomain then client can login as user@domain or user@aliasdomain (dovecot sql conf show me this). But this not clean solution - any change in mail user from ispconfig overwrite this value. Any idea?? Br. Arek.
There is no clean way to do this as logins for mailboxes in ispconfig are only implemented for the master domain of the mailbox. If you want to use the login field like you did in your test, then you can enable the login field under System > Interface config which will prevent that changes get overwritten in that field.
Thanks, this may solve this problem, but if I have a email like: [email protected] and want login: [email protected] (where domain.com is alias for mail.domain.com) then I see this one: ERROR This login is not allowed. Please enter a different login or use the mail address as login. ---- EDIT: OK, problem solved after I comment line 220 in mail_user_edit.php