Falko/Till whats now correct? Not really, Roundcube saves the users which login and also there settings in an array. I just have to add to the array the last password change or something like that.
Although I thought it was not necessary since the plugin checks if either filename exists, consider that added to the Howto and thanks for noticing!
I added it anyway, just for esthetics. Any way for me to upload my translation to the SVN repo? It's password protected as you probably know.
Soap Error: You do ton have the permissions to access this function. Hi, I'm getting the following error in every section of the account tab. Soap Error: You do ton have the permissions to access this function. Can you help me determine what's wrong? thank you, Quito
I have a problem when using the password plugin to change my password. When I enter the changes and click 'save' roundcube tells me: Soap Error: No user with username adam found. But I have checked my database where the mail users are found and the record for this account is actually username '[email protected]'. It seems the plugin misses off the domain somehow. My mailserver requires the usernames to be complete with the domain or else it won't accept login. Is there any way in which I could modify the plugin to suit the username requirement for my mail server, Im sure many other people have this problem as a lot of mail servers require full domain extentions to usernames. Any help appreciated
Thats means that roundcube doesn't has the full email, because I'm working here with the details from roundcube. Simplified you just loggt in with adam and didn't set roundcube for things like that probably up. Just edit in the roundcube config (main.inc.php) the $rcmail_config['username_domain'] = '{your domain}'; Replace the {your domain} with your domain and it will work.
Thank you for your quick reply. I checked the variable and it was indeed set to my domain already. I tried creating another mailbox and changed the password on [email protected], one interesting thing is the error comes back as: Soap Error: No user with username adam found. Having a look at my main.inc.php settings I saw that the variables: $rcmail_config['virtuser_file'] = ''; $rcmail_config['virtuser_query'] = ''; are not setup, could this be something to do with the error? I would be grateful if you could provide me with the correct settings for these variables anyway
Whats written under the Account General tab as user name? Do you use any oth plugins in roundcube or so?
For user account admin: Username admin@******* Server localhost Last Login 2010-01-12 19:05:42 Default Identity <admin@******> looks fine and changes according to what account im logged onto and I am using no other plugins.
You say the error is this: Soap Error: No user with username adam found. Does that error with the name adam happens when you logged in with your admin@**** PS: Are you using the version from the svn?
Yes its the adam error that appears even though im on my admin@**** account which makes it so strange. I can only think it has something to do with me not setting up those virtualuser variables in roundcube main.inc.php. And yes I am using the version from svn
You probably didn't create a remote user^^ http://howtoforge.com/forums/showpost.php?p=213239&postcount=20 read the instructions please, especially point 2.
Ok, Horfic solved my problem and it didn't lie within his plugin but with my ISPConfig user setup. I had a client called adam but not a system user called adam which was kicking up the fuss. Once system user was created the plugin works great
Great job! Little questions: If I want to use Roundcube with your modifications I don't have to install Squirrelmail, right? Before I follow this instructions http://howtoforge.com/forums/showpost.php?p=213239&postcount=20 I have to install Roundcube, right?
Hi there I would like to use roundcube 0.3.x. Where do I download it from? Should I just take it from roundcubes homepage or does it exist some special version just for ispconfig3 to download? Am confused because with ispconfig2, there exist a package to download. In the post, http://howtoforge.com/forums/showpost.php?p=213239&postcount=20, this is not explained.
Just download Roundcube 0.3.x from their website! PS: A first version of the fetchmail plugin should go online today.