Manually add users

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by daashag, Jan 27, 2006.

  1. daashag

    daashag New Member

    First off. Nice howto guys. I have been searching all over the internet for howtos. These have to the easiest ones around. You can literaly cut and paste your way through it. Very Nice. I have completed a setup with using Ubuntu 5.10. Installed ISPconfig and everything is working great. Now my question is how do I manually add virtual doamains and mailusers so that I just have a functioning email server. I want to be able to create domains and users as if I had never installed ISPconfig.

    Thanks in advance daashag
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    If you have installed ISPConfig you should use this to add domains and mailusers.

    If you want to configure everything manual, remove ISPConfig and edit the config files in /etc/postfix/ directory and use the useradd function for adding system users.

    Its not a good idea to mix both approaches.
  3. daashag

    daashag New Member

    Appreciate the quick reply. I have installed in test enviorment and and just want to try another install without ispconfig before I put into production. I don't think I was clear on what I want to do. Basically after doing a new install of the perfect setup. I want to be able to add domains and mailusers manually. Hence I still want to keep all the virutual hosting setup intack.

  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

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