Near end of migration : just two nextcloud instance (with one with ldapsupport ==> openldap with account migrated too !)
No, just Rspamd that reject so many mail ... ;-) or tag them as *** SPAM *** the keys is .. DNS ! And your advice were (are) very very good. The part that was a little more complicated was the openldap (because we use FusionDirectory) ... with so much overlay and schema. And the learning of snipets with php and nginx ... till gave me huge support .
Check out why Rspamd rejects it and adjust your setup, if its an issue in your setup, or simply raise the scoring level in the spamfilter policies that you set for the mail users and domains.
when you update "policy" , "normal) ... 146 job !!! (i put spam : 8.0, spam reject 11.0, instead of 6.00 and 10.0) ouch. ;-)
Maybe you just did not select the right policy for the domain? Check the settings of the email domain (not mailbox) to see which policy you selected there. The email domain policy is used when the mailbox policy does not match e.g. for aliases, so you should always set the domain policy, while the mailbox policy is not needed unless you want it to differ from domain policy.
how ca i reduce this : MX_MISSING (3.5) [ (domain has no resovable MX) ? my mail server with rpsamd can resolve everythin i dont understand ?