Hi Marius, I am working on a migration script like yours, but for Ispconfig2 to Ispconfig3, including complete data transfer of web content, databases and mails. I would like to integrate it in ISPConfig3 as a module, but the module developement howto seems to be outdated (eg. there is no lib/db_local.php.skel or lib/db_local.php) I found the database settings in the new config file 'config.inc.php', but this does only half the trick... I use the web interface files on my local Windows XP/XAMPP web server, and I get a lot of warnings and errors, depending on what menus I open. Do you know if I have to configure something else or is it the usual behaviour of the test environment? Thank you, regards, Tom
The ispconfig interface part works fine on windoes, you just have to edit the database details in config.inc.php file. The file config.inc.php is the config file since the beginning of ispconfig 3, the other fiels you mentioned were added by a contributor and had been removed as they were not needed. I will delete the part of the tutorial. Regarding the warnings that you get, either your enviroment is missing some php modules or the error_reposrting level is wrong. ISPConfig uses the level: E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE
Hi Till, please forgive me, for you are right, but at first it really didn't. And this is not a question of missing php modules or error_reporting settings. I always got the following message: and the loading gif was showing on some of the menus. Looking inside the given directory, the default.menu.php file was missing indeed. Instead I found 'default-v2.menu.php'. So I just made a copy of it, renamed it to default.menu.php and the warnings were gone. regards, Tom
Any news on the Plesk Imort tool? Hi Marius, I know this thead is old, but I did not find any news about your work on the Plesk import tool. If you have a few minutes spare time I would be glad if you could give me a short update on what the tool can do at the moment. I have to admit that I will use it today, regardles of any issues, to move my Plesk Clients to Ispconfig! But I'd like to know if the database import works, for a start, and what I would have to do to make it work here. Perhaps it is of some interest to you that I have developed a small tool that allows to sync the emails from Plesk to Ispconfig (basically to any other server, but this is not checked so far). It is based on imapsync, of course, which does most of the work. I thought about implementing this into ISPConfig, because I've been busy developing an OX-Connector lately (http://url9.de/ugv) and now am looking for a new project... ;-) regards, Tom
Hi Tom, the plesk import tool is in a very rough state and I am very busy at other projects so there is no real progress at the moment. I used the tool to convert all of my customers including webs and emails from plesk to ispconfig but: 1.) i use ispconfig 3.0.5 beta (latest version from stable branch) 2.) i do not know what plesk version i imported from The conversion worked, although i do not import dns entries. Before using the importer script some settings have to be written into the plesk importer php file by hand (like mysql password and some things like that) to be able to use the bash script. The tool creates a bash file in /tmp folder that contains all commands (rsync, mysql dump etc) to get the web, database and mail data from the source server. The bash script also does a grep/replace in the transfered web files to change the path configurations from plesk-style to ispconfig. If you want to use the current (very unstable) importer, please use the latest version from svn branch.
Hi Marius, thanks for your answer! I'll just give it a try. Ispconfig version is also 3.0.5 beta and with Plesk its 10.4.4. Regards, Tom
Good luck Please keep in mind that the script takes a long time to run without giving any feed back during this time.
Hi teves, if you feel adventurous you could also try my converter. I discovered this thread too late so I was almost done when I read Croydon is working on similar functionality. He's certainly lightyears ahead of me regarding experience with ISPconfig but then again my code is a bit easier to maintain and extend, which I'm still doing Advantages: migrates databases; is highly configurable and modular Disadvantages: requires Perl and bunch of non-core modules; is highly configurable; not integrated with the web interface; only tested with Plesk 9.5
Thanks for the hint! I certainly deem myself adventurous enough to try your solution The only reason why I am not trying it is that I only need to migrate about 10 domains and I am not willing to do the extra work; croydons solution works well enough for me. It is no problem to migrate the databases manually. But still: we have 3 different approaches to migrate client data between two servers. I am sure that if we picked the best parts out of each, we could assemble a better solution.