Module hooks in 3.0?

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by mlz, Jun 11, 2007.

  1. mlz

    mlz Member

    One think I would love to see in the new 3.0 is some good well defined module hooks for add-on modules. Perhaps this is the plan, and I just need to start doing some research... hehehehe

    Anyway, what got me to thinking about this was the question about pre-logging in a mail user. With appropriate hooks, a module could react to a user logging in and create the webmail app cookie for that app and thus make a single login for both apps. Also mods to the system would not require as much editing since you could mod hook in, and then replace current functionality with the module.

    A good example of really great modularization is Legend of The Green Dragon. An upgrade of the core does not require reinstalling the modules, and very rarely do they break the modules. Additionally it makes it clean and easy to add features without having to mess with the core system.

    Just my $2 (Inflation is getting bad!)

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