Moving from Sendmail to Postfix - Mbox to Maildir

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by jonaugust, Jan 30, 2009.

  1. jonaugust

    jonaugust New Member

    I used falko's howto:

    to install postfix and I think everything is working, but I have a few questions. I guess I'll break them into threads. The first question is how do I migrate my sendmail MBox formatted mail files to the Courier?/Postfix? formatted MailDir files?

    I tried a perl script called, and it seemed to do the job EXCEPT that it marked all my mail as read.

    The other problem I noticed was that in Apple Mail, when I marked a message as Junk, it wouldn't get moved to the Junk folder. It sat in the Inbox with as message 0. I don't know if this is related to using, but it seemed possible.

    Your help is appreciated.

  2. topdog

    topdog Active Member

  3. jonaugust

    jonaugust New Member

    Have you used any of these successfully? The problem wasn't finding a tool, it was finding one that worked properly.
  4. topdog

    topdog Active Member

    Its been long since i used one i think it was Ivan Kohler's one, but that was a long time ago.

    My recent migrations have all been via imapsync

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