I hope this is ok to ask here in the forum. I have a site3 server running at Hetzner and used Cloudflare as DNS. It has worked for a long time but lately , the last months. I have got Cloudflare 500 , server is up running and I have a few domains that dont go throght Cloudlfare and they worked. So I know the fault has been at Cloudflare. Can I set up a thirds ns server? Like I can use Ns1, Ns2 from Cloudflare as I do now but Ns3 could either actually be my own server or from another supplier and work as a fallback if Cloudflare fails? If i must set up a own server for this I guess I maybe could buy the smalest Cloudserver at Hertzner for a few dollar pr month as a fall back? I read around and I understood that there had to be some comunication between the different NS servers. Else it fails. Advices is apriciated. THX OLE
If you get a error 500 from Cloudflare, this is not because you use their DNS, but because they proxy your website. Error 500 indicates a HTTP server error. If DNS was failing, you wouldn't even see this. You can disable the proxy feature: https://support.cpanel.net/hc/en-us/articles/360050408634-Disable-Cloudflare-proxy-for-your-domain I highly doubt the issue was with Cloudflare though, their uptime is as good as perfect - but you can try and see what happens.
Before setting up CF, that may not be possible, but after, I never did try. And I agree with @Th0m problem could be coming from your web server side, not CF.