Multiple websites on Ubuntu server and IP creation

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by nzAndy, Jan 12, 2023.

  1. nzAndy

    nzAndy Member

    thanks ahrasis,
    your email is rather timely as I thought I had the website working, but it actually has only come as far as the router login home page and after a quick google I found that I have to also configure the router.
    Reading through your post there is a lot there I don't understand at the moment, so will need to get up to speed on that.
    I have my local server ip as fixed, and cloudfare as the dns provider.
    In my searching I never took any notice about configuring the router etc as I thought it was not relevant. o_O

    I really appreciate the post and will slowly work my way through it to better understand it, cheers
    ahrasis likes this.
  2. nzAndy

    nzAndy Member

    For newbys:
    Not sure if Im allowed to post a link here but this YouTube channel is a gold mine for understanding how servers, ports, IP addresses, routers, websites, networking etc work, all in simple language and animation
    PowerCert Animated Videos
    ahrasis likes this.

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