Multiserver setup

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by QuetzalFirst, Apr 27, 2015.

  1. QuetzalFirst

    QuetzalFirst Member


    I have install a multiserver setup.
    I split into 3 servers (for now)
    master (all service)
    web (web and file)
    sql (web for phpmyadmin, and sql)

    1) The db user is just create in master not in sql server
    2) When I click on a admin icon to db in sql server, it open master phpmyadmin...
    Any info for theses bug?
    Now I hesitate to put mail server on new fourth server...
  2. QuetzalFirst

    QuetzalFirst Member

    In fact, db user is not create ! Where I can look for bug in config ?
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    What you describe above is a configuration issue in your setup and not a bug. In the sticky pots in this forum you can find details on how to debug issues when your server is not abl to write a config to disk, an not creating a db user is basically the same.

    The most likely reason for your issue is that the db server can not connect to the master ispconfig server, this happens when you did not add the hostnames of all servers to all /etc/hosts files of the noes before you install ispconfig on them. This can also happen when you alter the mysql root password on the db node after you installed ispconfig.
  4. QuetzalFirst

    QuetzalFirst Member

    Sorry for my english and poor word choice...
    In fact, I forget to add all nodes in all hosts... Can I correct this or I need to reinstall ISPConfig?
    Thank you
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You can correct this now and then try if it works then, if not, then you can try to fix it by changing the mysql users on the master server with phpmyadmin.
  6. QuetzalFirst

    QuetzalFirst Member

    I correct hosts for all server in setup. Password are set correctly.
    1) If I understand a little the db structure, in web_database_user table, the column server_id must be the id of the server in which the database_usr is create... It's all 0 in my table.
    2) A dummy question... In multiserver setup, all the ispconfig DB must be synchronize?
    3) And a very dummy... How I can verify that all is fine?
    Thank you Till for help...
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The server_id of a database user has to be 0 as a database user is server independant. So all recirds that have server_id = 0 are correct.

    ISPConfig takes care on syncing the data between the databases,. Only data that is relevant for the specific server node is synced.

    Did you create a database already? Database users get added when a databse that this user is required for gets added. unused database users dont get created in the mysql server.
  8. QuetzalFirst

    QuetzalFirst Member

    Ok... Thank you... All is fine now with db user...
  9. QuetzalFirst

    QuetzalFirst Member

    Can I migrate mail configuration from one mail server to another mail server without recreate all mailbox?
  10. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  11. QuetzalFirst

    QuetzalFirst Member

    I did it anyway! ;)
    1) create a second mail server and add in ispconfig server pool (multiserver standard setup)
    2) "tar" all mailbox (/var/vmail) from first server
    3) move it to second server and untar in same place (preserve permission)
    4) In master db (for all mail tables) change server_id from first server_id to second server_id
    5) i have done a resinc in tools just to be sure... Check the second server database if replication ok.
    Dont forget to adjust dns MX record.
    All work fine after !
    Mailbox are on my new server and roundcubemail too.
  12. QuetzalFirst

    QuetzalFirst Member

    I just have an issue with domain forward but i'm not sure if i dont have this issue before!
    DB mail_domain table is ok... I think I miss a config somewhere.
    I have with full dns zone. dont have zone. it's a domain forward by registrar to
    Maybe the issue is here... must have a MX record on it?
    Last edited: May 3, 2015
  13. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Did you delete the records on the ild mailserver (just if the old mailserver was not the master)?
  14. QuetzalFirst

    QuetzalFirst Member

    Can you explain little more please? My english is poor and a dont understand what you say...
  15. QuetzalFirst

    QuetzalFirst Member

    ok... understand now... No, the old mailserver is the master.... But thank you to indicate this if the old server is not the master to clean up table...
  16. QuetzalFirst

    QuetzalFirst Member

    ok... Domain forward need a MX record in DNS to work
  17. QuetzalFirst

    QuetzalFirst Member

    Thank you Till to put a challenge on me when you reply "no" without explication in previous anwser... This is the best way to force me to try for solution ;)
    I think that it's alway possible to find a solution to a problem. There is just the division by 0 which is impossible ;)
  18. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Sure, I did not took in account that you wanted to mess manually in the database as it is not possible to move a email domain from one server to another one in ispconfig. Next time I will just answer yes as you can do anything with ispconfig, you just have to write the code to do it or wait until the hard- or software that might be needed for a solution gets invented by someone in the future ;)

    Any email domain needs a mx record.
  19. QuetzalFirst

    QuetzalFirst Member

    Hello Till
    I ask anyway. Sometimes I would have forgotten some things. Eventually, I think adding 4 features (for super user the first three)
    1) Move website from one server to a second server
    2) Move database from one server to a second server (database and add master-slave scheme)
    3) Move email from one server to a second server
    4) Add option to put a website GIT under control ...

    So yes, i put my hand under the hood;) Thank you very much for you precious hint!
    Have a nice evening..
    PS: Thank you for answer about mx record... I think that only domain that have mailbox must have a MX. I dont think about mail domain forward before!
    Last edited: May 4, 2015

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