Multiserver - SQL server

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by LIJE, Apr 13, 2019.

  1. LIJE

    LIJE Member

    Hey guys,

    I'm still stuck. What should I do?
  2. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    If you still get access denied from slave servers with the correct users, the settings for those users are wrong in the database. Or those hosts are denied to connect in firewall or database settings. Check if you can connect to database with any user for all slaves.
    Check also /etc/hosts file is correct in all hosts, i.e. it has all hosts of your setup with the right IP-numbers on the master and all slaves.
  3. LIJE

    LIJE Member

    Since I can log from the slave to the master with its public IP, the credentials are good.

    On both servers, netstat -lnt | grep 3306 gives me

    tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN
    But I got iptables on my master server.

    Anyway, I replaced the private IP of the /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/ from the slave with the public IP of the master.
  4. LIJE

    LIJE Member

    Does ISPConfig include a way to move a database from a master to a slave easily?
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  6. LIJE

    LIJE Member

    Thanks for the help, guys.
    Even if I couldn't use the private IP, I managed to use the public IP. I don't know what this method is riskier than the other but well, it works.

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