I have a new multiserver set up in which both are a full VPS box. However, when I create a new website on the second server, no vhost is created. Is there a setting of some sort I may be missing or maybe something else?
I see jobs in the job queue with Actions insert and update. How do you know which ones are pending, or are they all pending in job queue?
Ok, so I ran the following command through shell on the second server: /usr/local/ispconfig/server/server.sh. I got the following error: Code: DB::__construct Access denied for user 'ispcsrv2'@'xxx.' (using password: YES) PHP Warning: mysqli::mysqli(): (28000/1045): Access denied for user 'ispcsrv2'@'xxx.' (using password: YES) in /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/classes/db_mysql.inc.php on line 72 I posted the above because I don't know where the problem lies and why the vhost is not being created.
I would go to master DB in phpmyadmin and check priveleges for user ispcsrv2 and check if host/ip is correct to slave.
Thanks, I guess what I need to know first is why is it looking for that particular user. Is it a user that the system tried to create during the "expert" installation?