MyDNS / DNSCache problem

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by insubordinate, Jul 4, 2006.

  1. insubordinate

    insubordinate New Member

    Hi, Im new here. I'm gonna give it a shot (never done this before)

    This is the situation.

    I have 1 ip from my isp.
    This is connected to:
    - a Hardware Firewall (wich I can setup off course)
    And on the Lan side of this firewall I have my local network.

    What I need to do is this: setup a dnsserver behid that firewall.
    ON this dns I need to resolve a home-domain like
    But I also need to be able to visit the domain locally with the other computers.

    Then I have to be albe to surf out of the network to the internet.
    So my dns also has to respond to
    I suphose by settingup their tcpIp with a specified dns

    The DNS server is a virtual machine that has 2 ip's & /debian latest version.

    I've installed mydns & dnscache like in the howto, but I'm confused about the ip settings. What Ip should be in the mydns & what ip in the dnscache?

    Do I need to change anything in the resolf.conf?
    What Ip's need to be in the mydns.conf
    And what is up with the dnscache ip's: etc/dnscache/root/ip

    Please someone help me by explaining it step by step.

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

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