MySQL support in PHP

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by tobi, Apr 28, 2005.

  1. tobi

    tobi New Member

    I installed Fedora 2 with Apache and PHP, and afterwards I installed MySQL manually. Now the problem is that my PHP doesn't seem to have MySQL support... :(
    Do I have to compile a new PHP, or is there another solution?

  2. joe

    joe New Member HowtoForge Supporter

    If you originally installed PHP via source then you will need to recompile php using the '--with-mysql' flag.

    If you installed php via rpm, you should just need to install the php-mysql rpm package.
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Yes, try to install the php-mysql rpm package!
  4. tobi

    tobi New Member

    Ok, got it working... :D

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