Hello. I have a problem with configuration of a DNS server. How much I understand by default a server is adjusted as caching name server. I enter the new domain mydomain.com and check with nslookup utility and have this answer: [root@hosting ~]# nslookup www.mydomain.com Server: Address: Non-authoritative answer: www.mydomain.com canonical name = xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx canonical name = xxxxxxxxxxx Name: xxxxxxxxxxxxx Address: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx domain.com is already registred domain, but at this moment served by other server. Host www exist in my new configuration on ISPconfig server. Thanks and sorry for my english.
Sorry. Look like normal settings. domain name ok, options ok nameservers are server_with_ISPconf.server.address. All of the records correct. www host exist, mail host exist, MX record exist ....
Does the record for your domain show up in ISPConfig DNS Manager or not? That depends on your linux ditro. execute this command to find it. Code: locate named.conf
Show up. I have Fedora Core 4 with bind in chroot jail. /var/named/chroot/etc/named.conf look like default config for fresh install of bind-chroot
Maybe i have trouble with a settings in ISPConfig for dns server. path to named.conf set to /etc/named.conf but the real path /var/named/chroot/etc/named.conf and zone files dir /etc/bind but this folder does not exist on my server.
/etc/named.conf is a symlink to /var/named/chroot/etc/named.conf in FC4: Code: [root@server1 etc]# ls -l /etc/named.conf lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 32 Mar 18 2005 /etc/named.conf -> /var/named/chroot/etc/named.conf In your ISPconfig, under Management -> Server -> Settings -> DNS, you should have: named.conf: /etc/named.conf Zonefiles Dir.: /var/named/chroot/var/named