New ISPConfig module for WHMCS

Discussion in 'Tips/Tricks/Mods' started by cwispy, Dec 11, 2014.

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  1. cwispy

    cwispy Active Member

    Ok. If it does not have a username and password, then it probably should not be associated with a server module either, but I will add a check to ensure that the username is not empty. I am guessing that the code I added to match the other ftp accounts has matched all the ftp accounts on the server which is why they got suspended.
  2. nvidian

    nvidian Member

    Hi, how is WHMCS ispconfig compare to ispconfig official billing ? Pros & Cons ? please :)
  3. cwispy

    cwispy Active Member

    I have just added some code to git to check that the username and password exist and that neither one is blank when this module is selected in whmcs.
    the1matrix1 and AVG like this.
  4. DDArt

    DDArt Member

    I purchased the ISPCONFIG3 module because it would fit right into the panel and it was just simple with enough features to send out invoices and get them paid. As for WHMCS, it is far more superior because that is what they do and have it integrated with multiple panels except I don't see ISPCONFIG, unless someone got it working 100%

    I also purchased the module to somehow give back to ISPCONFIG for the panel software. I know it is a free panel and superior to many other I have used including some paid, somehow these guys have to make a living, be it subscription to support forum, or buy a module.

    Personally I didn't get the module working 100% and might be because of the paypal account or something else, I have to mark invoiced 'paid' manually, when it returns from paypal to the the api/site and mark them paid. I am waiting for the next release and hope that fixes if there is anything to fix or maybe my paypal got switched to developer/seller type and I'll give it another try whenever I get some free time.

    One important thing I forgot to mention is, because ISPCONFIG3 is so simple, easy to use and any client can navigate, same goes for billing module might be a plus. WHMCS might be too complicated, cumbersome and too many features or options for the client to figure out, but I might be wrong because I demoed the module as admin and not as a client. Check both of them out, try WHMCS demo online and ISPCONFIG3 demo if they have one, if not check print-screens.
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This might be a issue in your installation, I use the billing module here as well and marking invoices as paid works fine. I also asked some of our other customers and they dont have any probems with the paypal payment part. Paypal is quite strict when it comes to ports and ssl certs for ipn notifications, so this might be the problem that you encounter. Feel free to contact our support if you need help with the billing module.
  6. AVG

    AVG Member

    Thanks for the code, now it works like a charm.
  7. AVG

    AVG Member

    Hello cwispy!
    Could you please add feature to the Roadmap like suspend and unsuspend function for mysql databases.
  8. alex_popa_81

    alex_popa_81 New Member

    I was searching for a way to corelate ISPConfig with WHMCS. The module offered by WHCMS I saw it was stopped (even buying is not available anymore), hence, I tried reading about it, digging through the forums, asking questions and my main conclusion is just this : it's a good thing I did not buy it, and it's just pure good luck that I had more curiosity. So, in a moment of "illumination" I had this amazing idea to search the ISPConfig main site for a solution and I found this thread. I read all the comments, downloaded your module, added all in WHMCS, tweaked it a little for some things I must had (I have game servers in my data center) and ta-daaaa, it's working, fast, easy, error free (until now).
    Dude, you are amazing really. I know it's not the second shuttle that went for the Moon but, AMAZING! I'm an old client of the trigger-happy morrons of CPanel, had some argues with them that started about 2 years ago and since then I wanted to prove them that if they are idiots who just want money with no intention of understanding words like "support" and "respect", I will be able to find another solution, and this time open-source, if not better, at least as stable and user-friendly as theirs.
    And in this happy note, now that you created something that everyone needs, a way to bridge the impressive ISPConfig with WHMCS (who unfortunately is and in my oppinion will remain 1st on every respected hosting company, payment panem, and I say unfortunately because it would be better to have a tough competitor on the market), I will be more than happy to inform everyone of your module, and that finally CPanel and Virtualmin has to scence the growing open-source threat named ISPConfig.
    In my oppinion you did something for ISPConfig that should and more probably will put it in the near future in the top 3 hosting panels in the world. And I think I'm not the only one thinking this thing, when I look at this module. GREAT WORK!
    PS: just a note, think about multiple webservers that already have a proxy in frontline and this one is already choosing the best option depending on the hosting plan a user buys! And second, if a hosting company has a clustered storage, it's impossible to query which server is best fitted to host a client! Think about 3 or more clients creating accounts in the same time on a 3 webserver installation that uses a 128 TB storage! Those ideas should have an answer, but in time and for big hosting companies that always expect some things from a module, even if they will never use the feature! :) It's just for the image! Products intend to have nice packages, coloured and full of useless things but pleasant for the eyes! And those features, you can assemble as a PRO version, payed! You'll see it's not in vain! :) But, also, this is your decision!
    Last edited: May 28, 2015
  9. tortib

    tortib Member

    I have been using your module for quite some time now and it is great. I have opened a support ticket on the swaydo website, but I haven't received a response as of yet. When a client has their service suspended for non payment the module isn't setting the account to a locked status in ISPConfig, I have to manually go to the ISPConfig panel and suspend the service. I wanted to know if anyone else is experiencing this issue as well and if you were able to resolve the problem. WHMCS reports that the module was suspended successfully and even puts the account in suspended status.
  10. AVG

    AVG Member

    Yes, the module is not locking the account login to ISPConfig, but it locks any changes for client login.
    So, client can not make any changes.
    If WHMCS is suspended client, in ISPConfig client cant change anything.
  11. tortib

    tortib Member

    The problem is that it isn't locking the account which means that email still functions when it "suspends" the account.
  12. alex_popa_81

    alex_popa_81 New Member

    Use manual method until is resolved. Another problem. I just started playing with VMWare-ISPConfig and until now is working with no errors (until now). But my question is... does WHMCS work with ISPConfig in creating and managing virtual servers?
  13. tortib

    tortib Member

    I prefer to resolve this issue now somehow. It would be nice to have the code so I can modify it to my liking.
  14. alex_popa_81

    alex_popa_81 New Member

    I don't really follow what you are saying. The code is open-source..... so, what do you need exactly?
  15. nicolassp

    nicolassp New Member

    Hello, when i try to accept an order the error : SOAP Error: error_origin_empty<br />error_ns_empty<br />error_mbox_empty<br />error_refresh_empty<br />error_retry_empty<br />error_expire_empty<br />error_minimum_empty<br />error_ttl_empty<br />

    occurs. I have checked the dns template and it does not seem to be wrong.



    Can you assist me?

    Best regards
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2015
  16. cwispy

    cwispy Active Member

    It looks like you are referring to the commercial module, which is not this module, it is this one.

    I wrote this module, because I too purchased the commercial one, and had issues and the developer would not talk with me to fix the issue. You might want to have a look at using this module which I have released as open source and your welcome to modify to your liking.
  17. cwispy

    cwispy Active Member

    Sorry, it does not support managing virtual servers at this stage. It is not something that I use here. I may add it in the future, unless someone else adds it first.
  18. cwispy

    cwispy Active Member

    Do you have the latest version of the module from github? The newest version of the module uses a slightly different format to before and does not rely on the template for the A and MX records. See this post

    If that is not your issue, let me know some more details, such as your whmcs module settings and your dns template id number etc.
  19. diablo666

    diablo666 Active Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Any possibility to support multiserver setup?
    For example i've a server for websites, and a server for mailserver, may i select to activate website on one server and mail on the other?
  20. cwispy

    cwispy Active Member

    Yes that is exactly what the module does already. Just make sure you add all the servers into the server group in whmcs.
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