New server, new problems

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by fobicodam, Apr 27, 2007.

  1. fobicodam

    fobicodam New Member

    I dont want to be rude or something, but.. that was what i said in my first post...

    All what i need is to run the logs.php and webalizer.php every 1/2/3 hours to avoid getting 2Gb log files.

    I had to modify the logs.php file to delete the ispconfig_access_log_XX_XX file and restart the apache service but its not a good solution.

    Is there any way for you to modify the cronolog file or something to avoid getting bigs files? the problem is with php, apache have no problem creating 4 o 5 Gb logs but the logs.php cant read behind the firsts 2Gb.
  2. fobicodam

    fobicodam New Member

    No help... no way.. no ideas... i dont believe its a hard problem, its just a question, how can i run webalizer every 3 hours???

    The apache/logs.php/ispconfig/webalizer.php/"log rotator" are doing a mess with the log files, a lot of log files rotates and are ignorated for webalizer !

    Is any way to remove the "ispconfig_access_log" process and handle just one log file?? or running the cronolog manually? or something? im not a php developer, but i believe it could be better doing that:

    1.- move the access_log file as access_log.1
    2.- run the conolog over access_log.1 and create ispconfig_access_log
    3.- remove the access_log.1
    4.- Run logs.php over ispconfig_access_log
    5.- Run webalizer.

    Could it be done? what must i do?? i cant believe i have to resign my big clients just because nobody knows how to do that !!!
  3. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    Run Webalizer every 3 hours

    Hi Fobicodam,

    As you probably know, the cron table has six fields.

    First field:
    The minute of the hour the command shall execute.

    Second field:
    The hour the command shall execute.

    Thirth field:
    The day of the month the command shall execute.

    Fourth field:
    The month the command shall execute.

    Fifth field:
    The day of the week the command shall execute.

    Sixth field:
    The command.

    On a default ISPConfig server, webalizer runs at 4:00 am.
    To show you this, perform the command crontab -e
    Now you will see the line:
    0 4 * * * /root/ispconfig/php/php /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/webalizer.php &> /dev/null

    So, i think that if you want Webalizer to run every 3 hours, (starting at a full new hour) you can change that line within:
    0 */3 * * * /root/ispconfig/php/php /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/webalizer.php &> /dev/null
  4. fobicodam

    fobicodam New Member

    Yes, but running the webalizer script every hour is useless, as it reads the frgamented log files created by the logs.php script. The logs.php script take the ispconfig_access_log.X file to create them, and the ispconfig_access_log.X file is create by some kind of log rotator.

    So.. its useless to run the webalizer alone.
  5. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    You're correct but sheduling Webalizer is one step.
    For the other step to be taken, i can not help you as i do not know the answer at the moment.
  6. fobicodam

    fobicodam New Member

    Jeje, that was my question ;-) right now im running the logs.php file hourly and deleting de ispconfig_access_log file, but i need to reset the httpd deamon to create it again :(
  7. fobicodam

    fobicodam New Member

    Is there any way to run the cronolog program manually? i tried but i cant find the way

    usage: /root/ispconfig/cronolog [OPTIONS] logfile-spec

    -H NAME, --hardlink=NAME maintain a hard link from NAME to current log
    -S NAME, --symlink=NAME maintain a symbolic link from NAME to current log
    -P NAME, --prev-symlink=NAME maintain a symbolic link from NAME to previous log
    -l NAME, --link=NAME same as -S/--symlink
    -h, --help print this help, then exit
    -p PERIOD, --period=PERIOD set the rotation period explicitly
    -d DELAY, --delay=DELAY set the rotation period delay
    -o, --once-only create single output log from template (not rotated)
    -x FILE, --debug=FILE write debug messages to FILE
    ( or to standard error if FILE is "-")
    -a, --american American date formats
    -e, --european European date formats (default)
    -s, --start-time=TIME starting time
    -z TZ, --time-zone=TZ use TZ for timezone
    -V, --version print version number, then exit

    Nobody has this problem??? i cant believe it... too many small sites?
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    What dod you expect from running cronolog manually? Cronolog is a log pipe, it makes no sense to run it manually.
  9. fobicodam

    fobicodam New Member

    I expect to fix the errors on the apaches log, fixing the 2gb problem on php, fixing the log rotator error on linux, fixing the webalizer script....

    Anyway, as there is no solution to this ill migrate the site to a REAL server as windows.

    Ill pray to have no errors on the future with my linux servers but i really thing i will be around on a week or two... :mad:

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