New webmail package with ssl support

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by pisuke, Mar 14, 2006.

  1. pisuke

    pisuke New Member

    Hi everyone!

    I searched the forum for an answer but haven't found what exactly need.

    When someone ask to simplify the url to access webmail you say the best options are:

    1.- Create a webmail.domain.tld and redirect with index.php to https://domain.tld:81/webmail

    The problem with this solution is that you need to open port 81 on firewall an then you are exposing the login interface on https://domain.tld:81 that its a little bit awful and unsecure. (well, perhaps i'm wrong i'm a newbee, but doesn't sounds good to me to expose the login interface).

    2.- The other solution is create a webmail.domain.tld site and install a webmail package here.

    But with this solution the login process is made on a wild enviroinment not encrypted by https.

    So my question is if there is some way wich not expose de login admin interface or a way to install a webmail package with https support.

    Sorry for my poor english, thanks in advance!
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The Interface on port 81 is exposed to the internet on allmost all installations, because otherwise the users where unable to manage their accounts. An this is the purpose of ISPConfig.

    Thats not correct. You can simply check the SSL checkbox for the website webmail.domain.tld and conect to it with https://webmail.domain.tld

    The https support is not a question of the webmail package, its a question if you enable https for the website.
  3. pisuke

    pisuke New Member

    Thanks for your response. I'm going to try to enable the ssl checkbox.

    Thank you so much!

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