Newb: Desperately need help to password protect a directory

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by smartin, Feb 1, 2010.

  1. smartin

    smartin New Member


    *Please* tell me what you did.

    Are you using Digest authentication?

  2. yoplait

    yoplait Member

    Of course i will tell you ;) .
    My problem was for munin. Without virtual host, I had to find where it was configured.
    I tried this directive in the /var/www/munin/.htaccess file :
    <Limit GET>
    Order Deny,Allow
    Deny from all
    But it wasn't working.
    I found that the configuration file for this was /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-ispconfig.conf, so in this one, I had :
    <Directory /var/www/munin>
            AllowOverride All
            Order allow,deny
            Allow from all
    then restart apache : invoke-rc.d apache2 restart
    I had this file : /var/www/munin/.htaccess :
    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "Members Only"
    AuthUserFile /var/www/munin/.htpasswd
    <limit GET PUT POST>
    require valid-user
    Creation of the password :
    htpasswd -c /var/www/munin/.htpasswd admin
    And everything was working :) .
  3. smartin

    smartin New Member


    *How* did you establish that this was the conf file?

    You are using basic authentication as well but surely I have done basically the same thing except that I used htdigest to create the password file, not htpasswd.


  4. yoplait

    yoplait Member

    I saw that there was nothing in the /etc/apache2/apache2.conf file about directories. So I checked the virtualhost files.
    I know that munin is not on the other virtualhost but on the root folder (/var/www), so I tried to watch each file about *not* the virtual domains... and so, I found this one where squirrelmail and webalizer was configured.
  5. smartin

    smartin New Member


    This really is driving me crazy...

    Looking here:

    It says that my .htaccess file should look similar to this:
    <Location /private/>
    AuthType Digest
    AuthName "private area"
    AuthDigestDomain /private/
    AuthDigestFile /web/auth/.digest_pw
    Require valid-user
    Which it does:
    <Location /var/www/lockthisfolder>
            AuthType Digest
            AuthName "Private"
            AuthDigestDomain /var/www/lockthisfolder
            AuthDigestFile /etc/apache2/lockbydigest/digest
            Require valid-user
    If I do
    locate lockbydigest
    I get
    So the digest file I created using htdigest is in the correct place.

    *What* is wrong with the setup?

  6. yoplait

    yoplait Member

    Did you try the normal mode before doing the digest one ?
  7. smartin

    smartin New Member


    No. I will and I'll report back :)

  8. smartin

    smartin New Member


    No luck. Basic authentication doesn't seem to work either...

    This is what I did:

    me@mybox:/etc/apache2/lockbybasic$ sudo htpasswd -c basic myname
    New password: 
    Re-type new password: 
    Adding password for user myname
    me@mybox:/etc/apache2/lockbybasic$ locate lockthisfolder
    me@mybox:/etc/apache2/lockbybasic$ cd /var/www/lockthisfolder
    me@mybox:/var/www/lockthisfolder$ sudo nano .htaccess
    me@mybox:/var/www/lockthisfolder$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
     * Restarting web server apache2
    This is the relevant htaccess file:
    <Directory /var/www/lockthisfolder>
            AuthType Basic
            AuthName "Private"
            AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/lockbybasic/basic
            <limit GET PUT POST>
                    require valid-user
    I still get the same 500 Server error...

    There must be some stupid newb mistake I'm making...

    Any ideas?

  9. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Remove the <Directory .... directives from the .htaccess file. They are not nescessary and as the reals directory is /var/www/clients/....., they prevent that the .htaccess file works as expected.
  10. smartin

    smartin New Member


    Bless you for coming to the rescue!

    Ok, basic authentication works with the <Directory> directives removed!

    Why won't Digest Authentication work though, if my htaccess file looks like this
    AuthType Digest
    AuthName "Private"
    AuthDigestDomain /var/www/lockthisfolder
    AuthDigestFile /etc/apache2/lockbydigest/digest
    Require valid-user
    Please note that the /var/www/lockthisfolder is *outside* the ISPc3 structure. I'm guessing it's *not* actually /var/www/clients/..... etc...? It's directly in /var/www.

    Can you help me get Digest Auth working?

  11. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  12. smartin

    smartin New Member


    If I'm understanding correctly...

    I saw the example in the Apache manual but imagined the second reference was there to protect a mirror of the original site, which I don't have...

    I did:
    me@mybox:/var/www/lockthisfolder$ sudo a2enmod
    [sudo] password for me: 
    Which module would you like to enable?
    Your choices are: actions alias asis auth_basic auth_digest authn_alias authn_anon authn_dbd authn_dbm authn_default authn_file authnz_ldap authz_dbm authz_default authz_groupfile authz_host authz_owner authz_user autoindex cache cern_meta cgid cgi charset_lite dav_fs dav dav_lock dbd deflate dir disk_cache dump_io env expires ext_filter fcgid file_cache filter headers ident imagemap include info ldap log_forensic mem_cache mime mime_magic negotiation php5 proxy_ajp proxy_balancer proxy_connect proxy_ftp proxy_http proxy rewrite setenvif speling ssl status substitute suexec suphp unique_id userdir usertrack version vhost_alias
    Module name? auth_digest
    This module is already enabled!
    me@mybox:/var/www/lockthisfolder$ sudo nano .htaccess
    me@mybox:/var/www/lockthisfolder$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
    and my htaccess file now looks like:
    AuthType Digest
    AuthName "Private"
    AuthDigestDomain /var/www/lockthisfolder
    AuthDigestFile /etc/apache2/lockbydigest/digest
    Require valid-user
    But I still get the 500 server error.

    Am I misunderstanding you?

  13. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Then take a look into the error log of the website and post the exact error message.
  14. smartin

    smartin New Member


    I'm getting
    Invalid command 'AuthDigestFile', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
    But it says to use AuthDigestFile in the Apache docs...

  15. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Try to replace AuthDigestFile with AuthUserFile.
  16. smartin

    smartin New Member


    Nearly there! That gave me the Username/Password challenge.

    The problem is that it won't accept the details I gave it!:eek:

    I have reset the password just in case:
    me@mybox:/etc/apache2/lockbydigest$ sudo htdigest -c digest private myname
    Adding password for myname in realm private.
    New password: 
    Re-type new password: 
    me@mybox:/etc/apache2/lockbydigest$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
     * Restarting web server apache2
    I just can't get past the login! Too secure!:D

    What did I do wrong?

  17. yoplait

    yoplait Member

    try maybe with a very simple login/password to be sure ? (like "abc")
  18. smartin

    smartin New Member


    Nope. I used my own name with qwerty as a password and I still just get re-presented with the login box.

    Is my box cursed...?

  19. yoplait

    yoplait Member

    maybe cursed .. did you try with an exorsist ? :p

    More seriously, have you got something in the log when you click on "ok" ?
  20. smartin

    smartin New Member

    If I knew an exorcist I'd definitely get on the phone. I think I may need one the way things are going... ;)

    There is something in the logs...
    Digest: user `myname' in realm `Private' not found: /lockthisfolder/pma/ 
    But when I reset the PW yet again I get the correct confirmation:
    me@mybox:/etc/apache2/lockbydigest$ sudo htdigest -c digest private myname
    Adding password for myname in realm private.
    New password: 
    Re-type new password: 
    me@mybox:/etc/apache2/lockbydigest$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
     * Restarting web server apache2
    Correct, yes?

    I still get represented with the login panel.

    Know an exorcist in the Uk...?


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