Nextcloud Commands Can't Connect to DB from JailKit

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by yupthatguy, Jul 11, 2021.

  1. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Have you added php-redis files to that jail?
  2. yupthatguy

    yupthatguy Member

    Hey there taleman.. thanks for the follow-up.

    I installed php-redis on the real system and per the jailkit documentation

    jk_update - a utility to update and cleanup a jail according to changes on the real system

    jk_update will compare the files in a jail with the corresponding files on the real system. If the corresponding file on the real system is newer, and the file on the real system is different, the file from the real system will be copied to the jail including any required libraries just like jk_cp would do. Files that do not exist on the real system will be deleted in the jail..

    It is my understanding that jk_update should recognize that php-redis should was installed on the real system and copy and the relevant php-redis files and files libraries into the jailkit.

    That did not happen when I executed jk_update.

    So if jk_update is not relevant command, can you provide me two the terminal commands to copy the php-redis module and its lib files into the jailkit?
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I suggested you already in post #11 yesterday to use jk_cp and posted you the link to the command options, but you decided to not follow my suggestion.
  4. yupthatguy

    yupthatguy Member

    Well frankly your post tend to come with distracting, unnecessary commentary. Not surprised I ignored it.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2021
  5. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    No, it does just what you quoted. Nothing in the jailkit utils tracks what apps or jk_init.ini sections have been added to a jail, so there is no way jk_update can recognize that a path previously added to the jail now has additional files.

    I tested the various resync options and found that resyncing cronjobs does force a reinit of the jailkit environment, though resyncing shell users and websites (eg. using chroot php-fpm) does not, so if you have a jailkit cron job that's an option. The different behavior there is inconsistent and I'm not sure what the best option is - forcing a resync of all jails would seem like the obviously desired outcome when your purpose is to propogate a change like adding php-redis; but on large servers with many jails, forcing a resync of all jails would seem like an obviously bad idea when disk i/o is consumed with jailkit updates. I suppose it might be an option to add a Resync option for "Chroot Jails" or something to explicitly handle jail updates.

    Then, apart from Resync, ISPConfig will catch changes to the apps/sections which are configured to be added to jails and reinitialize jails when those change; probably we should just force a reinitialization periodically to catch cases like this (adding new packages that didn't make inclusion at jail initialization time).

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