Hello fellow linux managers, I've got a problem with my nginx host configuration. Currently I am trying out a CMS that i've never used before called Typo3. Its looks clean and fast, and there is a good documentation about it, but that mainly supposes your using apache. Since I am using ISPConfig with Nginx, php-fpm this doesn't work with me. There is a default .htaccess file that comes with it, and I looked into it but didn't help me yet. The default htaccess looks like: http://pastebin.com/X10EjvBG Now I have made an nginx configuration, with some rewrite rules but this doesn't work yet and gives me a "500 internal server error": http://pastebin.com/egqqL9TZ I searched the www but couldn't find anything according to this problem. Does anybody have an idea or got experience with this? Thank you
Try to add just this into the nginx directived field of the website in ispconfig: Code: location ~* \.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|css|js|ico)$ { expires max; log_not_found off; } location ~* \.(cur|ico|gif|png|jpe?g|css|js|swf|woff)((\?\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d)|(\?s=\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d))$ { expires max; log_not_found off; } location ~* \.(cur|ico|gif|png|jpe?g|css|js|swf|woff)(\?v\d\d?\.\d\d?\.\d\d?)$ { expires max; log_not_found off; } location ~* ^(/typo3/sysext|/typo3conf/ext).*\.(cur|ico|gif|png|jpe?g|css|js|swf|woff) { expires max; log_not_found off; } location = /clear.gif { empty_gif; expires max; } location ^~ /typo3/gfx { expires max; } location ^~ /typo3temp/compressor { expires max; } location ~* \.(sql|htaccess|htpasswd|tpl|html5|xhtml) { deny all; } location / { if ($query_string ~ ".+") { return 405; } # pass requests from logged-in users to PHP if ($http_cookie = 'nc_staticfilecache|be_typo_user' ) { return 405; } # pass POST requests to PHP if ($request_method !~ ^(GET|HEAD)$ ) { return 405; } if ($http_pragma = 'no-cache') { return 405; } if ($http_cache_control = 'no-cache') { return 405; } error_page 405 = @nocache; # serve requested content from the cache if available, otherwise pass the request to PHP try_files /typo3temp/tx_ncstaticfilecache/$host${request_uri}index.html @nocache; } location @nocache { try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args; } location ^~ /typo3temp/tx_ncstaticfilecache { expires 43200; charset utf-8; }
Hello Till, thank you for sharing your config for typo3 magento 2 runs fine with your help, i managed magento 1 nginx config to work fine too but i have still problems with owncloud, and typo3 6.2 i wanted to upgrade typo3 6.2 to 7.6 with the upgrade wizard i can login into install tool etc. but the i i want to start wizard then error 500 internal server error https://typo3upgrade.itsolon.com/ty...[context]=standalone&install[controller]=tool this url its horrible i dont know what to set in nginx settings ... or how to update this is there something with the url sysext? any location directive? or is it another problem? i have following entry in my error log $, request: "GET /phpmyadmin/navigation.php?ajax_request=1&token=e2a12491559781063b23dd72154b2580&aPath=cm9vdA%3D%3D.dHlwbzN1cGdyYWRl&vPath=cm9vdA%3D%3D.dHlwbzN1cGdyYWRl&pos=0&pos2_name=&pos2_value=&searchClause=&searchClause2=&_nocache$ and my website error .log "https://typo3upgrade.itsolon.com/ty...[context]=standalone&install[controller]=tool" 2018/03/15 14:32:32 [error] 4149#4149: *185 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Warning: Declaration of TYPO3\CMS\Core\Package\FailsafePackageManager::registerPackagesFromConfiguration() should be compatible with TYPO3\CMS\Core\Package\PackageManager::registerPackagesFromConfiguration($registerOnlyNewPackages = false) in /var/www/clients/client0/web10/web/typo3_src-6.2.31/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Package/FailsafePackageManager.php on line 24" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: typo3upgrade.itsolon.com, request: "GET /typo3/sysext/install/Start/Install.php?install[action]=folderStructure&install[context]=standalone&install[controller]=tool&install[controller]=ajax&install[action]=folderStatus&_=1521120756550 HTTP/2.0", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/lib/php7.0-fpm/web10.sock:", host: "typo3upgrade.itsolon.com", referrer: "https://typo3upgrade.itsolon.com/ty...[context]=standalone&install[controller]=tool" 2018/03/15 14:32:33 [error] 4149#4149: *185 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Warning: Declaration of TYPO3\CMS\Core\Package\FailsafePackageManager::registerPackagesFromConfiguration() should be compatible with TYPO3\CMS\Core\Package\PackageManager::registerPackagesFromConfiguration($registerOnlyNewPackages = false) in /var/www/clients/client0/web10/web/typo3_src-6.2.31/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Package/FailsafePackageManager.php on line 24" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: typo3upgrade.itsolon.com, request: "GET /typo3/sysext/install/Start/Install.php?install[action]=folderStructure&install[context]=standalone&install[controller]=tool&install[controller]=ajax&install[action]=environmentStatus&_=1521120756551 HTTP/2.0", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/lib/php7.0-fpm/web10.sock:", host: "typo3upgrade.itsolon.com", referrer: "https://typo3upgrade.itsolon.com/ty...[context]=standalone&install[controller]=tool" Could it have to do with HTTP2???
UPDATE: i made following mistake(s): first of all: - after moving from plesk to ispconfig i did not realize that i made wrong symlink i had absolute symlink with /var/www/vhosts/domain.com (vhosts as in plesk usual) that worked: but only in plesk of course. now i have made following symlink structure as recommended from typo3 ln -s typo3_src-6.2.31 typo_src ln -s typo3_src/typo3 typo3/src ln -s typo3_src/index.php index.php then the installation paths were set fine. next mistake (its a shame) i forgot to go to install tool under domain.com/typo3/install you can then do some checks and clear all caches the biggest time costing mistake i did there. i couldnt login anymore into the admin because did Reset backend user preferences from that point i were not sure if my installation were successfull or anything else went wrong. ok but now even tills small config works fine with my "old" typo3. next step is to update but inside there is templavoila and there is a migration neccessary with templavoilaplus or any other template solution.. i will do when i have time for this. best regards Markus