nginx ipsconfig - discovered open proxy usage on my server

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by adrenalinic, Jun 29, 2015.

  1. adrenalinic

    adrenalinic Member

    I use nginx with ispconfig3, and trying to set my firefox browser to use as proxy my isconfig server running on port 80 I have discovered that for some website is possible to use my nginx as trasparent is possible?!

    For some site, it return always one of the hosted websites, and for other like wikipedia duckduckgogo and others I can navigate the web trought my ngninx!

    Where is the setting to allow to serve only hosted domain and not the outside wolrd?!!

    Best regards.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    ISPConfig neither uses nor configures any proxying in nginx. Did you add any custom nginx settings or did you modify the default nginx vhost template or do you use any third party ispconfig addons or patches that change the nginx config?
  3. adrenalinic

    adrenalinic Member

    Hello no, any modding to nginx. It is a virtualserver behing an endian firewall with nat of the port 80.
    I have some site with this settings in the redirect option to server hostname to other virtualserver in same virtual private network:
    hostname example:
    Redirect Type: proxy
    redirect path:
    rewrite rules: rewrite ^/$ / last;
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Ok, so you use a proxy there. maybe the target server of your proxy redirect allows xternal browsing?
  5. adrenalinic

    adrenalinic Member

    for the majority of websites that I have tried it return one of the hosted websites on the virtual server (for this is working correctly), for some other like wikipedia or duckduckgogo it allow to see the external website...
  6. adrenalinic

    adrenalinic Member

    (p.s. I'm using the howtoforge ready image server for virtualbox, converted for the xen enviroment...)
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Did you check the target server of the proxy requests? if it allows forwarding of traffic then you mieght get such an open proxy.
  8. adrenalinic

    adrenalinic Member

    if I set duckduckgogo as proxy in firefox , for example it allow the same wikipedia...
  9. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  10. adrenalinic

    adrenalinic Member

    sorry, the target allow the same wikipedia and duckduck,but the nginx allow the same without any hostname as proxy, i have deleted the two hostnames with proxy settings in ispconfig.
  11. adrenalinic

    adrenalinic Member

    can be that firefox allow some requests trought the proxy and other without proxy?

    if i can see wikipedia if I set as proxy -my nginx or my kaltura server or duckduckgogo.. the error of "open proxy" is the same..
  12. adrenalinic

    adrenalinic Member

    with safari this seem to not happen, it use system proxy setup, instead app browser setup

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