Nginx with PageSpeed

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Keen Mouse, Jul 1, 2020.

  1. Keen Mouse

    Keen Mouse New Member

    What is the recommended procedure for installing nginx with PageSpeed to work with ISPConfig? I'm having trouble getting it to work.
  2. slagroom

    slagroom Member

    I'd like to know as well. It seems it even errors out, when I activate the pagespeed for a website, there will be an ".err" of the .vhost file under /etc/nginx/sites_available/

    This is with debian bookworm, using nginx from its own apt sources.
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    There is no page speed module compiled into these binaries, that's why it results in an error. You can not activate a function that is not present in the Nginx that is installed on your system. If you want to use the page speed module (which is deprecated and not under development anymore by Google), then you must compile Nginx manually with that module enabled. But as page speed is deprecated, it does not make much sense to do so.
    ahrasis and slagroom like this.
  4. slagroom

    slagroom Member

    OK, I was not aware it is deprecated. Why is it still built in ISConfig's UI ? I'd say move it out of the way.
  5. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Where is it built in?
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    There are still people using it, and if we remove it, we would break their setups. I guess you won't like it if we start removing things that break your systems if you run them for some time, and they might contain some technologies that become deprecated. So suggesting that we should do that to break the systems of other longtime users just because you turned a setting on without knowing what it is and if your system is capable of doing that is a bit strange. In general, if a setting is available for the system administrator only and if it is turned off by default, then you should first check what this is and verify that your setup is compatible with that before turning it on.
    ahrasis likes this.
  7. slagroom

    slagroom Member

    That's an interesting view of things. I have yet to see that done elsewhere when features are being deprecated. The usual way I see that done is that it is being moved out as soon as the underlying software is no longer supporting it (i.e. the nginx that comes with debian 12), to avoid mistakes. Honestly, in my experience you will see the opposite happen more often (why this error?) than users complaining it's gone, especially since there's no explanation accompanying the setting, and "pagespeed" sounds like "well, yeah, please do that!". You're assuming ISPConfig users are as smart as Lavrov or Putin, while most of your users are on the level of your average NATO 'leader'.
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    What you missed to consider is that Linux distributions, and especially server software, have LTS releases. Just because something is deprecated in the latest version of an underlying software does not mean it is deprecated in existing systems, which typically have 5 years of LTS support.

    Your point of view is understandable from a home user's perspective and experience, but it is nothing that software for professional users and companies would do. In the business world, you have way longer update cycles, and ISPconfig is not made for the hobby user; it is made for and by people working at hosters to fulfill the needs of a commercial hosting setup. So, our decisions might not seem logical from the perspective of private setups that do not care much about stability and longtime support.
    ahrasis likes this.
  9. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Btw. Please do not post political statements.
    pyte and ahrasis like this.

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