Hi all, I don't understand why… When i select one or more dashlets in the interface config, the dashlets section of my homepage are blank… If no dashlets are selected, the home page display defaults dashlets (modules, clients…). No error on apache error log…
Precision, Default dashlets are displayed if i select him on the interface config section. The followed dashlets are good and displayed, Modules, limits, quota and mail quota. Others dashlets, Invoices, invoice_client_settings, customer, shop, products are only affected and no displayed… Strange :/
Try this: take the fulll "interface/web/dashboard" directory from ispconfig tar.gz and copy it over the directory /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/web/dashboard/ The billing 1.3.rc10 uses the old dashboard scheme which did not support the dashboard settings while the 1.4rc2 does support it and therefor does not override the dashboard anymore. as you installed billing 1.3 first and then updated to 1.4 instead of installing billing 1.4 right away (without a ispconfig update in between), you still have the old billing 1.3 dashboard override at the moment.
Ok, it's work. And now, how to recover new dashlets (Invoices, shop, products…) ? Edit : i have a right conflicts… After copiying (cp -prf /source /target), the files are -rw-r--r-- not -rwx-r-x---
You can add them Under System > Interface config now, there are settings for admin, reseller and client. Thats ok. You can either leave them as they are or cgange the rights like they were before. Just ensure that the files and folders are owned by user and group ispconfig.
Yes, but… no… Only defaults dashlets are displayed. Left Admin Dashlets => [invoices],[shop],[products],[quota],[limits], Only quota and limits are displayed. I'm disapointed
You activated them for the admin and not the client. These dashlets are for the client only, so you have to activate them for the client and not admin. The dashlets wont show up for the admin even if you activate them for the admin.
Okay, great, I just tried connecting me with the account of a customer and I understand now. Now, i want to make a custom public page on wy website, who present my products and services (shop) for the visitors…
That's what the ISPConfig remote API is made for. You can download some example scripts from here: http://www.ispconfig.org/page/en/addons/billing-module.html
Awesome… danke Till I will work on my side a few days to fully understand everything. Thank you for your advices. I will now be able to work on the French version