Noob config Problem

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by nashchris, Dec 23, 2008.

  1. nashchris

    nashchris New Member

    Hi all

    Very new to all this.

    I have done the Perfect Ubuntu Hardy setup with ISPConfig 2 and seem to have the whole lot running. I do have one problem though.

    I have so far setup one client / domain -
    When I send a test mail from one user to another it arrived as [email protected] instead of [email protected].

    I don't know why is is sending it out as the web1_%user% instead of just the username@domain. And where is it getting the domain

    It is the second time that I installed it and the same result.
    What could I have done wrong? Where do I start to look and what files should I post?

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please set the correct sender address under options in the webmail program.

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