Hello, I have a problem of writing on the file "vhosts_ispconfig.conf", because, when I believe that I to create a Web site, is when I the your address in question, that does not function, is when I publish it, the site which I have to create, is not written, could you say to me what I must make there, because I am to annoy. Thank you in advance MM
Please post the output of Code: ls -la /root/ispconfig Any errors in /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/ispconfig.log?
Hello falko I have just created a site, is nothing does not post myself in the file "Vhosts_ispconfig.conf", there am not a prob of writing, because that worries me highly. Well with you MM
Hello, I agree with you, till, but I do not find any error in the file log, then why that do not write any more on the file conf, with you it a permission to be added in the file vhosts, so that that functions, because that annoys me. MM
Thats what i need to know and what you had not written in the answer you posted to falkos question. We can not help you if you dont answer to the questions we ask you! Please execute: rm -f /root/ispconfig/.ispconfig_lock What happens if you run this command: /root/ispconfig/php/php -q /root/ispconfig/scripts/writeconf.php
Hello, I excuses, to have was hard with you, but it there with an error: Code: /root/ispconfig/php/php -q /root/ispconfig/scripts/writeconf.php start Error of segmentation I is to afflict, it is as that which I have to carry out the order. MM
Segmentation faults are caused in most cases by hardware defects, e.g. a defect in a memory module. Plesae restart your server and check if you still get this segmentaion fault.
Hello till, here my logs, not having to arrange my probs on the error of "Error of segmentation", I you but an error which I cannot remove in ISPConfig: this line for more precise: I have to remove the site via ISPConfig, but that always remains, is that annoys me, can you help me... Thank you MM
Which site remains where after you did what? Did you remove the file? /etc/apache2/vhosts/Vhosts_ispconfig.conf Have you solved the segmentation fault?
Hello till, I answers your question still once again, if I to recreate a base file of "vhosts_ispconfig.conf" without anything dedant, is if I make your order, that could function or not? Example: If I am mistaken, says it to me ? MM
Hello with all How I can make not to more have this error which annoys my server since step badly of day, mess..... If I carry out this order, it does what, more exactly? Thank you in advance MM
No falko, I would like to repair this problems because I do not know how I can make, because this order is useful to me with what???? Is how I can erase this error which I made..... Well with you MM
the command strace "traces" the ISPConfig script and outputs useful informations if the script is killed by a segfault.
OK OK, when I carry out this order : What this master key ? Because when I carry out, the order to remove is after the following orders : It does not pass anything, moreover, I always has this error of quota, how I can remove this user in my quota disk? Thank you in advance MM
I am to afflict till, but when I carry out this order, how long I must wait : How long, I must wait, when I carry out this order, could you say it to me till, tries to find a solution, because I is not desire for giving a bad news to my boss..... MM
Even if I dont know if you have the PHP segfault problem as you do not want to execute the systrace, you may try this: http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3695