ntp sync problem and time drift

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by Tomislav Aurednik, Sep 5, 2016.

  1. My problem is that my web server has a time drift of ~2s per minute and i can not figure out why. My other servers sync normally and all have the default ntp config file.
    Only difference that i find is with the ntpq -p command where on my web server that does not sync is:
    goodtime.ijs.si 2 u 54 64 377 2.939 65020.8 4638.77
    cad.lecad.fs.un 2 u 54 64 377 2.927 65020.5 4600.71
    pritisni.ctrl-a 2 u 56 64 377 10.357 64983.2 4552.95
    ntp1.kate-wing. .GPS. 1 u 48 64 377 5.315 65115.1 4614.42
    juniperberry.ca 2 u 45 64 377 29.679 65159.6 4653.35

    on every other server where it works is:
    - 2 u 431 1024 377 3.188 -2.627 0.659
    +lk. 3 u 819 1024 377 11.081 -1.906 2.511
    +a.ntp.br 2 u 594 1024 377 235.687 -0.725 0.678
    *vimo.dorui.net 2 u 25 1024 377 122.381 -0.667 0.860
    -juniperberry.ca 2 u 499 1024 377 30.429 -5.740 0.760

    So it does not select the defult server or what does * mean?
    Can apache2 settings block ntp from syncing? I added some chippers for ssl.

    When I stop the service, run ntpdate time.nist.gov and start it again, it gets the accurate time/date but it still drifts. Anyone have any idea what could be the problem or how to fix it?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I guess the server is virtualized? If yes, which virtualization software do you use?
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please check if you have the guest additions installed in this VM. Time drift in virtual machines happens often when the gest additions are missing. Beside that, Virtualbox has a chapter in its manual that deals with this issue: http://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch09.html#idm7879
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

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