Optimise the Interface

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by samual, Dec 28, 2005.

  1. samual

    samual New Member


    I'm very new to ISPConfig so some things were very hard for me and it was possible to solve them with the Documentation (the book) but it was not intuitive!

    1. The MySQL Account:
    It would be better to have an own Menu called MySQL instead of placing it in the optiojns Dialog!

    2. The User with the FTP-Access:
    It was hard to find how to get Access via FTP to the web!
    It would be helpfull, if the User is not called Administrator (Administrator of what?) perhaps a Title like page owern, Web owner or something like this would be better!
    But the context help of this field should be more specific! "The User that can login via FTP" or something like this.

    I think there are more things that can be improved, but to make the first steps easier for the User, will increase the acceptance of you tool!

    I hope this helps, its a really great tool! But I think I will use another one, because its better integreted into the standard way Debian does things and has a support for Mailinglist.
    My decision is not made until now.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Maybe it is better, but it's also a matter of space. We cannot have unlimited tabs...

    ISPConfig creates system users, i.e. these users can use FTP and also email.
    Maybe it coule be described a little it clearer in the manuals, but therefore we have this forum. ;)

    What do you mean with that? Most of the development is done on Debian systems, so you shouldn't have problems on Debian.
  3. danf.1979

    danf.1979 Member

    I must agree on this and I'm not thinking about myself or any other admin, but user clients! The option to set a MySQL database its just to hidden for new clients for them to know how to do it.
    I will try to develop a simple MySQL manager for this in the tools section (thats the section I'm confortable with right now), but I must finish the cms installer first, and since I'm very new to php development this will take a little time to get done, but *i will* do it if falko or Till decide to not implement it first. :)
  4. danf.1979

    danf.1979 Member

    I think he is talking about a brand new Item or menu, like items in the tools section.

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