Hi there! I have an old HP 7540 CRT monitor that displays "Out of Frequency Range" on the screen when I boot Debian 7.4.0. I have managed to install grub in order to choose between Xp and Debian. How can I fix that?
Hi Get a LiveCD and boot from it. It should auto-detect correct range for your monitor's HorizSync and VertRefresh, check it in /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and note the values down and any other info. Reboot into your Debian box, go to single-user mode and edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf adding the correct range. You could also check your monitor specific (as root) with: Br// Srijan
I've downloaded debian-live-7.4-i386-standard, burned it, booted it. After a while the screen blacks out and..same problem once again. Debian live cd did not detect the correct range.
Hi As you were have installed debian as base OS & it was not being detected by the the CRT XORG.CONF, & you tried to boot it with debian-live cd so it was not working. Please do prefer another OS-live cd as I do prefer Ubuntu12.04 or Ubuntu11.04 . Br// Srijan
I've tried a bunch of distros before. I've used ubuntu 12.04 for several months then I was obliged to change my video card to geforce xfx 5200. The only distro that worked with that hardware is slitaz 4.0. I'm new to slitaz, totally different from ubuntu.
Hi Did you try to boot with Live cd of Ubuntu12.04, it is advised to boot from Live ubuntu12.04 & if you get the lightdm session(graphical) session then crosscheck with the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and note the values down and any other info. & make the same settings for the debian server XORG.CONF Br// Srijan
Even for slitaz 4.0 the same file is available ie /etc/X11/xorg.conf available. SO you can boot from slitaz live cd then start your graphical server with startx(If it doesn't starts directly) & analyse the contents of the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file for X server configuration Br// Srijan