Outlook autodiscover 405 error

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by and12345, Mar 11, 2015.

  1. and12345

    and12345 New Member

    Dear all,
    anyone got solution regarding outlook autodiscover error 405, i've tried to use the autodiscover.xml but keeps getting this error.
    My server is nginx, thank you.
  2. mikalwanted

    mikalwanted New Member

    Had a running ISPConfig server, planned serving a server cluster of ISPConfig server, with a second ISPConfig Mailserver installed end of last Year. Today install the web server. Before running the ispconfig install script I would add users in the admin servers MySQL Database useing PHPMyAdmin. Thereby realized Apache not running. In the meantime I did an OS Update and a reboot.
    Apache failure:
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Check the apache error log and the failure message that you get when you restart apache on the shell.

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