Hi the database table mail_forwarding holds redirects as well as aliases. 1st: Of course users should not be able to send mails using other one's mail adress but aliases should allow the user to send as that mail adress by default. This is a simple security/bugfix. 2nd: I would love to be able to set things so I can allow a user who is a redirection target to also send as that mail adress. Example: [email protected] is redirected to usera@ and [email protected] so usera and userb should be able to answer that email and send answer "from" info@ That is not possible now (after fixing 1st) but could be easily implemented by adding a checkbox to "new redirect" dialog. For 1st request I changed my config as follows: /etc/postfix/main.cf: Code: [...] smtpd_sender_login_maps = proxy:mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql-sender_login_map.cf [...] /etc/postfix/mysql-sender_login_map.cf: Code: user = ispconfig password = blahblah dbname = ispconfig table = mail_user select_field = email where_field = login hosts = additional_conditions = and disablesmtp = 'n' union select source as email from mail_forwarding where destination = '%u' and active = 'y' and type = 'alias' 2nd point could be a filed in database called "send_as" (could then also be implemented for aliases as well but should be checked by default for aliases) and we could adapt the config as I wrote above: Code: user = ispconfig password = blahblah dbname = ispconfig table = mail_user select_field = email where_field = login hosts = additional_conditions = and disablesmtp = 'n' union select source as email from mail_forwarding where destination = '%u' and active = 'y' and send_as = 'Y' Note: If I remember correctly ISPC does not setup login maps AT ALL by default so EVERYONE having an email account could send as ANYONE else without limits. furthermore there are no security contstraints limiting sending mails if you setup webs on the mailserver btw... (In my opinion that should at least be marked as not recommended during setup)
UPDATE: I Saw ISPC 3.1 already ha some sort of login-sender validation. I forked the repo and changed things to implement the permission way. I would be happy if you would decide to pull the changes http://git.ispconfig.org/darkalex/ispconfig3/commit/7799762f2a7ac3835f5e1f238ef32143fdeb3455 //Edit: moved to a branch, link corrected
Are you sure that you submit against master branch? Each user is allowed to do merge requests against the master.
//EDIT Damned... I found out how to do it... It's a bit complicated for one who is used to SVN and not git at all yet