hello all, well, about a week ago i did the perfect setup for suse10. i wasnt totally happy with the install, so i re-installed last night, everything went perfect. i installed ipsconfig to its own FQDN, and that runs on No problems there. Then i create a new site from ispconfig, i'll call that site www.mysite.com, it is a FQDN as well, and i set it up to run on I also created an admin for mysite.com to manage the site from ispconfig, as well as a few new email acccounts for mysite.com. The problem comes when i want to login into phpmyadmin, i try two ways: Through ispconfig using the username and password i created for admin to mysite.com, except when i use the password to access phpmyadmin the login is rejected, when i dont use the password, i get logged in...huh!. As well as no privledges to create a new database for drupal, or nuke or whatever. I get the same results when directly accessing phpmyadmin: Why is there no password required? when i setup a password with the user account. Also, why doesnt the user or site have privledges to create databases? sorry for the long winded question!! Any help would be greatly appreciated ! Thanks Red
You must log in with the MySQL user name and password, not with the username of the client or an email user, etc. When you create a database with ISPConfig, you have a database name like web1_db1 and a username like web1_u1. web1_u1 is the username you have to log in with. When you log in with the user root, and no password is required, then that means that you didn't set a password with the mysqladmin command during the inititla setup. You should change that asap.
hello falko, thank you for the reply ! i have just created a web1_db1 database, and i also just had an epiphany ! am i populating the web1_db1 with the tables i need to use for drupal or nuke? no problems there, the root sql password is in place,
Ok, so now that i'm over my issue with creating databases. i have another issue, this may be related, or it may not. i tried installing drupal: did'nt work, all i get is a plain white page when i browse to the site, Drupals' database is setup under web1_db1, drupals' setting.php file was edited accordingly,(i'll include a sample below) and the files uploaded to /var/www/web1/web, (this is because im under a shared ip, and the web1_username is the admin for this site, set in ispconfig) a portion of Drupals settings.php: Code: $db_url = 'mysql://web1_u1:web1_db1_password@localhost/web1_db1'; $db_prefix = ''; [COLOR="Red"]<< i'm kinda lost there i think it should be "web1_" [/COLOR] /** * Base URL: * * The URL of your website's main page. It is not allowed to have * a trailing slash; Drupal will add it for you. */ $base_url = 'http://www.mysite.com'; so when drupal didnt work, i thought i would revert to something i know how to install for sure, and thats php-nuke, because i have setup many nuke sites. Anyways, i got the same result, a plain white page......so i checked the error.log from, /var/www/web1/log, but i have no idea what this all means, could you guys please take a peek at it Maybe you can figure out whats up.....PLEASE !! I didnt include the whole file, because it became repetative. I appreciate you guys helpin this newb out eek: theres that word again)
$db_prefix is optional, you can leave that empty. Please disable PHP Safe Mode for that web site in ISPConfig. Then have a look here: http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=788&highlight=drupal+.htaccess http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4179&highlight=drupal+.htaccess http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=38&highlight=drupal+.htaccess http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1897&highlight=drupal+.htaccess http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2588&highlight=drupal+.htaccess http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=299&highlight=drupal+.htaccess
Hello falko, well, i disabled php safe mode, as well as editing httpd.conf.....still not working though httpd.conf and just for some extra info; apache2/error_log thank you helping !!
Have a look here: http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4770&highlight=$go_info["server"]["apache2_php"]