Hello Howto forum, I was wondering whether it is possible to let users define their own spam filter rules. I did test and if I make my own file .myrules.rc and include it in .procmailrc in my home folder it gets overwritten by ISPConfig. Is there a workaround for this? Where can I define a global spam filter rules? Thanks a lot.
You can change the procmailrc template in /root/ispconfig/isp/conf. There is also a user_prefs file which is used by SpamAssassin.
Great hint falko! thanks! Another think which appeared today morning: some users changed their .forward files in order to redirect their emails to wherever they want. After I've restarted the server all the .forward files got overwritten and I got angry mails Is it possible to forbid ISPConfig to overwrite the .forward files? Thanks in advance again