
Discussion in 'Developers' Forum' started by danf.1979, Jan 20, 2006.

  1. danf.1979

    danf.1979 Member

    What is philex?

    Philex (phile 'file' explorer) is a web content manager based php

    what philex can do ?
    - easy navigation with tree structure
    - create, delete, rename, copy and move folders/files.
    - download files (normal or compressed :zip, gz, bz ).
    - download many files as one compressed file.
    - send files by email.
    - upload local files to server
    - remote uploading ( http, ftp, ...)
    - using a multi methods authentication (text|MySQL|PgSQL|MSSQL|XML|LDAP...)
    - edit all text files (a WYSIWYG editor is inclued).
    - view image files, play flash files, view php and html codes.
    - sort files by name, size and last modification date
    - search files
    - using trash for each user
    - each user has his own sttings ( language, theme, ...)
    - more than 12 languages available
    - a lot of tools are included
    - AND MORE ... :p


    Maybe it can be integrated to ispconfig. It looks very useful.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Looks nice but i think we cannot use it, becaus eit does not support FTP. The filemanager for ISPConfig must be capable to do all operations over FTP, first for security reasons (FTP Chroot) and secondly to login with the permissions of the web admin.
  3. danf.1979

    danf.1979 Member

    I'll install it and see what it can do. I think it is like the cpanel file manager, but I will test it first. And it says it supports ftp protocol:

    - upload local files to server
    - remote uploading ( http, ftp, ...)

    I'll check on that.
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Ok, i missed the part with the FTP Support :)

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