php memory limits

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by lifeisboost, Jul 27, 2006.

  1. lifeisboost

    lifeisboost New Member

    here you go ben

    [root@G35 ~]# php -r "phpinfo();" | grep php.ini
    Configuration File (php.ini) Path => /etc/php.ini
    [root@G35 ~]# php -c /path/php.ini -r "phpinfo();" | grep php.ini
    Configuration File (php.ini) Path => /etc

    I followed the FC4 perfect install to the letter

    hmm if i call the phpinfo page in Shell it shows 64 megs

    memory_limit => 64M => 64M
    open_basedir => no value => no value
    output_buffering => 0 => 4096
    output_handler => no value => no value
    post_max_size => 64M => 64M

    but why when i view it through any virtual host it still shows only 8 megs
  2. Ben

    Ben Active Member Moderator

    I meant with "path" in the second line, that you write your path to the php.ini ;)

    anyway its very strange, in my eyes it looks like it does not read the php.ini. what are the permission of it?

    What happens when chaning any other value like safe_mode, oben_baseidr, max_execution time and restarting php afterwards? Are they changed or still have the same value than before?

    Another thing, I never tried but maybe it works, add that to your httpd.conf
    php_admin_value memory_limit 64M
    Than it will globally take this size for all vhosts... even if it does not solve the mainproblem of eventually not reading your php.ini...
  3. lifeisboost

    lifeisboost New Member

    sorry im still a newb sometimes ;)

    [root@G35 ~]# php -c /etc/php.ini -r "phpinfo();" | grep php.ini
    Configuration File (php.ini) Path => /etc/php.ini
    [root@G35 ~]#

    i tried turning on register globals when i first built the server and it would not read it either. so i just used the directives in ispconfig to set them per site.
  4. Ben

    Ben Active Member Moderator

    Well as I said, try that (globally or per vHost)
    php_admin_value memory_limit 64M
    to change set your memory_limit

    Did you compile php your own or is it a apackage from any maintainer?
  5. lifeisboost

    lifeisboost New Member

    okay if i add it to one site it shows the local value as 64m

    memory_limit 64M 8M
    open_basedir no value no value
    output_buffering 0 0
    output_handler no value no value
    post_max_size 64M 8M

    i followed the perfect install as per this site
  6. Ben

    Ben Active Member Moderator

    does anything change if you copy your php.ini from /etc/
    to /etc/php.d/ because lookin to your phpinfo() it tells of looking there as well...

    what you could do at least in my eyes is removing the whole php, reinstall it again. if it does not help I would give self compling php a try.
  7. lifeisboost

    lifeisboost New Member

    GREAT!!! it works perfect now :) i moved php.ini into /etc/php.d

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