Hello. So, I'm trying to install moodle in a website and I keep getting this error: Warning: file_exists(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/var/www/clients/client12/web3/moodledata) is not within the allowed path(s): (/var/www/clients/client12/web3/web:/var/www/clients/client12/web3/private:/var/www/clients/client12/web3/tmp:/var/www/moodle.website.com/web:/srv/www/moodle.website.com/web:/usr/share/php5:/usr/share/php:/tmp:/usr/share/phpmyadmin:/etc/phpmyadmin:/var/lib/phpmyadmin) in /var/www/clients/client12/web3/web/install.php on line 335 I've created the moodledata folder here: /var/www/clients/client12/web3/moodledata I already added this path to the PHP open_basedir in ispconfig but the error keeps appearing. Can anyone help me please? Thanks. Regards, Ricardo Vilhena
The path /var/www/clients/client12/web3/moodledata has not been added to the open_basedir yet. Check that yu added it at the nd of the open_basedir field in ispconfig (at the end of the field, separated by : ) and then take a look at the jobqueue in the ispconfig monitor and wait until the jobqueue is empty (which means that the change has been written to disk).
Hello Till. Thanks for the answer. The problem, apparently, was related with php-fpm, as soon as I restarted the service, all went well! Thanks you. Regards, Ricardo Vilhean