I use current ISPConfig Version on Debian. For a user I have the Webroot-Folder like this: /var/www/myuser.de/web/ Now I have a Webapplication, which have to save some Folders outside the Webroot (means 1 Level above... same level as "ssl, private, error"...). But I don't have permission to save anything in this Folder. Is this the default-behavior, or have I to change something in the ispconfig setup to give each user access to his whole Webspace-dir? Or will this create some security issues?
Found it. You can add an Apache-Snippet to ISPConfig to overload the Documentroot: DocumentRoot "{DOCROOT}/public" Found it here: https://www.howtoforge.com/communit...-accomodate-zend-framework.48279/#post-333491