phpmyadmin redirect issue

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by yonkman, Aug 6, 2008.

  1. yonkman

    yonkman New Member

    If I have users go to

    https://www.<theirdomain?:81/phpmyadmin/index.php they can login fine and the domain name doesn't change and everything is fine.


    if they just go to https://www.<theirdomain?:81/phpmyadmin they get redirected to the machines hostname https://<myhostname>:81/phpmyadmin.

    They can still log in fine, but I don't want them being redirected from the site? How do I fix this issue?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The correct login for phpmyadmin is: https://<myhostname>:81/phpmyadmin and not the domain of a customer.

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