pop3 login

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by stefanr, Dec 31, 2005.

  1. stefanr

    stefanr Member

    oh no, im sorry that i must open now another thread, but i install yesterday my first "hot working" domain, i tried to install on the user desktop pc an thunderbird as email client, but i cant login with a pop3 conection and user+pass.
    I search the hole night in the forum, and i find a lot of intrested threads, but nothing help me to get work pop3 login.

    the facts:
    - debian sarge
    - ispconfig
    - courier (pop3, pop3s, imap, imaps) as mailserver
    - webmail (have nothing to do with the problem, but
    on this i can me login with the user@domain and there pass
    - thunderbird as email client

    kind regards

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  3. stefanr

    stefanr Member

    Hello falko,

    at first i wish you a happy new year.
    I read the thread, and i have check this problem. I can loggin in the webmail with ther full user email (e.g [email protected] with pass test) it works fine, but i can't login with the emailclient thunderbird. I send an email from my account [email protected] to the [email protected] email account. With my [email protected] account it works fine i can send and received emnails. with this account be connect with imap-ssl to the server it works fine, only the pop3 and pop3s login wan't work.

    I activate Maildir under Management -> Server -> Settings -> Email it this the problem? I have changed this but then i can't recieved mails with my imapd account.
    I have no idea at this moment how i can fix this problem.

    Can you help me again?

    kind regards

  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    If your imap account works, this problem is not related to ISPConfig. ISPConfig simply stores the mails either in an mbox file or in a maildir in the users home directory.

    Please check also with netsat -tap if your pop3 daemon is listening on all interfaces and check wirh iptbles -L if the pop3 port is not blocked for non localhost connections.
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Till meant
    netstat -tap
    iptables -L

    As Till suggested, use these commands to check if your POP3 daemon is running, and if maybe the firewall isblocking port 110 (POP3).
  6. stefanr

    stefanr Member

    Active Internet connections (servers and established)
    Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name
    tcp 0 0 *:51234 *:* LISTEN 17736/server_linux
    tcp 0 0 *:14534 *:* LISTEN 17736/server_linux
    tcp 0 0 localhost.localdo:mysql *:* LISTEN 2110/mysqld
    tcp 0 0 *:sunrpc *:* LISTEN 1521/portmap
    tcp 0 0 *:81 *:* LISTEN 24377/ispconfig_htt
    tcp 0 0 *:659 *:* LISTEN 23370/3dmd
    tcp 0 0 *:* LISTEN 21381/named
    tcp 0 0 waldorfkindergar:domain *:* LISTEN 21381/named
    tcp 0 0 localhost.locald:domain *:* LISTEN 21381/named
    tcp 0 0 *:ftp *:* LISTEN 3342/proftpd: (acce
    tcp 0 0 localhost.localdoma:758 *:* LISTEN 2278/famd
    tcp 0 0 *:socks *:* LISTEN 23370/3dmd
    tcp 0 0 localhost.localdoma:953 *:* LISTEN 21381/named
    tcp 0 0 *:smtp *:* LISTEN 16296/master
    tcp 0 38 waldorfkindergarten-:81 www.rr-netz.de:63405 FIN_WAIT1 -
    tcp6 0 0 *:imaps *:* LISTEN 2025/couriertcpd
    tcp6 0 0 *:pop3s *:* LISTEN 2046/couriertcpd
    tcp6 0 0 *:pop3 *:* LISTEN 2019/couriertcpd
    tcp6 0 0 *:imap2 *:* LISTEN 4299/couriertcpd
    tcp6 0 0 *:www *:* LISTEN 23104/apache2
    tcp6 0 0 *:ssh *:* LISTEN 19017/sshd
    tcp6 0 0 ip6-localhost:953 *:* LISTEN 21381/named
    tcp6 0 0 *:smtp *:* LISTEN 16296/master
    tcp6 0 0 *:https *:* LISTEN 23104/apache2

    Chain PUB_IN (3 references)
    target prot opt source destination
    ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere icmp destination-unreachable
    ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere icmp echo-reply
    ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere icmp time-exceeded
    ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere icmp echo-request
    PAROLE tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:ftp
    PAROLE tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:ssh
    PAROLE tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:smtp
    PAROLE tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt: domain
    PAROLE tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt: www
    PAROLE tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt: 81
    PAROLE tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt: pop3
    PAROLE tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt: https
    PAROLE tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt: 10000
    PAROLE tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt: imap2
    PAROLE tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt: imaps
    PAROLE tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt: ssmtp
    PAROLE tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt: socks
    PAROLE tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt: 14534
    PAROLE tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt: 8767
    PAROLE tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt: 1452
    ACCEPT udp -- anywhere anywhere udp dpt:domain
    LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:telnet state INVALID,NEW limit: avg 5/sec burst 8 LOG level info prefix `audit'
    LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:ftp state INVALID,NEW limit: avg 5/sec burst 8 LOG level info prefix `audit'
    LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:imap2 state INVALID,NEW limit: avg 5/sec burst 8 LOG level info prefix `audit'
    LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:pop3 state INVALID,NEW limit: avg 5/sec burst 8 LOG level info prefix `audit'
    LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:finger state INVALID,NEW limit: avg 5/sec burst 8 LOG level info prefix `audit'
    LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:sunrpc state INVALID,NEW limit: avg 5/sec burst 8 LOG level info prefix `audit'
    LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:exec state INVALID,NEW limit: avg 5/sec burst 8 LOG level info prefix `audit'
    LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:login state INVALID,NEW limit: avg 5/sec burst 8 LOG level info prefix `audit'
    LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:linuxconf state INVALID,NEW limit: avg 5/sec burst 8 LOG level info prefix `audit'
    LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:ssh state INVALID,NEW limit: avg 5/sec burst 8 LOG level info prefix `audit'
    LOG icmp -- anywhere anywhere LOG level info prefix `PUB_IN DROP 2'
    DROP icmp -- anywhere anywhere
    LOG all -- anywhere anywhere LOG level info prefix `PUB_IN DROP 4 '
    DROP all -- anywhere anywhere

    i think all services are running correctly and all ports what i need are not blocked in the firewall???

    if change the netstat command to netstat -atnp the answer here is:

    Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name
    tcp 0 0* LISTEN 17736/server_linux
    tcp 0 0* LISTEN 17736/server_linux
    tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2110/mysqld
    tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1521/portmap
    tcp 0 0* LISTEN 24377/ispconfig_htt
    tcp 0 0* LISTEN 23370/3dmd
    tcp 0 0* LISTEN 21381/named
    tcp 0 0* LISTEN 21381/named
    tcp 0 0* LISTEN 21381/named
    tcp 0 0* LISTEN 3342/proftpd: (acce
    tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2278/famd
    tcp 0 0* LISTEN 23370/3dmd
    tcp 0 0* LISTEN 21381/named
    tcp 0 0* LISTEN 16296/master
    tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED21462/fetchmail
    tcp6 0 0 :::993 :::* LISTEN 2025/couriertcpd
    tcp6 0 0 :::995 :::* LISTEN 2046/couriertcpd
    tcp6 0 0 :::110 :::* LISTEN 2019/couriertcpd
    tcp6 0 0 :::143 :::* LISTEN 4299/couriertcpd
    tcp6 0 0 :::80 :::* LISTEN 23104/apache2
    tcp6 0 0 :::22 :::* LISTEN 19017/sshd
    tcp6 0 0 ::1:953 :::* LISTEN 21381/named
    tcp6 0 0 :::25 :::* LISTEN 16296/master
    tcp6 0 0 :::443 :::* LISTEN 23104/apache2
    tcp6 0 740 ::ffff: ::ffff:192.168.50.:1159 ESTABLISHED3200/sshd: stefanr
    tcp6 0 0 ::ffff: ::ffff:85.116.204:62873 ESTABLISHED11783/imapd
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2006
  7. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Looks good. I suggest that you check your Thunderbird settings again. What's the exact error message Thunderbird gives you?
  8. stefanr

    stefanr Member

    the message is in german i tried it translate into english

    Konnte nicht mit dem Server mail.rr-netz.de verbinden, die Verbindung wurde verweigert.

    I can't establish a Server connection to mail.rr-netz.de, the connection was denied.

    the log file /var/log/mail.log says nothing... i think it is the firewall but i can't see any entry of the firewall in any logfiles.

  9. stefanr

    stefanr Member

    to your info i recieved an error in mail.log.0

    quendi courierpop3login: couriertls: /etc/courier/pop3d.pem: error:02001002:system library:fopen:No such file or directory

    i will look in the forum ....
  10. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You have to create /etc/courier/pop3d.pem.
    Have a look here: http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1168
  11. stefanr

    stefanr Member

    falko thank's for a lot for yiou help. I have this night all things get to works fine, only the firewall logging doesn't works. have you any ideas for this problem?
    I would see all things from the firewall, the things that drop and the things that accept.

    Please help me with this problem.



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