Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by matehortua, Apr 4, 2006.

  1. matehortua

    matehortua New Member

    hi im having some trouble getting the mail. the mail is going out whitout problems
    but not getting in:

    these are the logs

    Apr 3 18:29:33 bame pop3d: Connection, ip=[::ffff:xxx.xxx.xx.xx.]
    Apr 3 18:29:33 bame pop3d: LOGIN FAILED, user=user1, ip=[::ffff:xx.xxx.xx.xx.]

    im using suse 10 and following Falko's guide
    ant the username is only the username not [email protected], am i right???
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Yes, pop3 username is just the linux system username.

    Please check if the user exists in /etc/passwd

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