Possible to Setup Quota with one Value?

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by sunghost, Jul 28, 2016.

  1. sunghost

    sunghost Member

    i test ISPConfig 3.1 and so far iam exited about the panel. Its fast and have a lot of options. One thing makes me a bit confusing. On my old Panel i have one Option for the Webspace which include Database and E-Mail. In ISPConfig i have for each an option, which is good if you want to break it like that down. But the most hosting provider say you have e.g. 10GB for Web and E-Mail, like me too. So is there an Option or a behavior to set it up like this in ISPConfig 3.1?

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    So I guess your old system was not multiserver capable with separated email and web servers and it probably used an insecure setup as thats required to have a shared quota.

    Having a shared quota means that the website and the email accounts must share the same user and / or Linux group. This results in that a simple hack of a website gives the hacker full access to your emails. ISPConfig is designed to provide a secure environment where emails and websites are separated so that this won't happen. Beside that, you can not have a shared quota on a multiserver system anyway, so all real ISP setups with more than one server will have separated web and email storage anyway.

    Nevertheless, ispconfig has an option under email server settings to use a shared email and web storage, but I would never turn that on as its "grob fahrlässig" and you will be liable for all daage that happens to your clients for email loss than when you use a known insecure option.
  3. sunghost

    sunghost Member

    Hi Till,
    the old one is multiserver capable too. But iam not in deep in that technique so i can arguee what is and what happend and so on. i never used it as multiserver setup, but on different server as standalone setup... You mean this option: "Use Websites Linux uid for mailbox", ok understand and i dont want to use it. Ok so there is only one solution and this means to offer webspace and e-mail space separate.

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